Swank Motion Pictures, a distributor of feature films, provides online streaming access via their Digital Campus service through an agreement funded by the University Libraries. Movies from major motion picture studios are available for online streaming when requested by a Penn State instructor for use in a Penn State course.
How to View Movies Already Requested
Penn State students and instructors can see a list of movies from Swank Motion Pictures currently used for teaching and learning at Penn State, and can watch the movies individually on a computer or mobile device, from this webpage: Movies from Swank Digital Campus at Penn State.
Viewers must authenticate with their Penn State Access Account prior to watching the movies.
- Mobile devices: to play content on your mobile device, download the free video player by searching for "Swank Media Player" in Apple iTunes or Google Play Store.
- Computer browsers: For Apple Mac users (Mac OS X plus the 2 previous versions), supported browsers include Chrome and Firefox. Safari is not supported. For Microsoft Windows users, supported browsers include Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer(IE), and Microsoft Edge.
Group viewing is permitted only in a classroom setting for course-related learning.
For questions or technical help, please contact the Penn State library's Swank Digital Campus support team at swanksupport@psu.edu
How to Request a Movie (Penn State instructors only)
Instructors: use the Online Request form to request a movie from Swank Motion Pictures.
Step 1: Search the Digital Campus catalog for the movies you want to use in your teaching.
Step 2: Copy and paste the movie titles from the Digital Campus catalog into the Online Request form.
Step 3: Submit the completed Online Request Form.
Tips for embedding movie links in Canvas:
Copy the "Direct Link" from the Swank Motion Pictures portal by clicking on the button labeled "Copy Direct Link" just below your video's player window. Note: use the Direct Link, not the LMS Link also supplied by Swank Motion Pictures.
In Canvas, on the Assignment page, click on + Assignment. Title the assignment (this can be the movie title) in the Assignment Name field.
In the text editor box beneath the title, key in the assignment text (again,
this can just be the movie title)Use the "Link to URL" tool and paste in the Direct Link to the video. Then click on Insert Link.
Scroll down the Assignment window to select attributes, such as due dates or assignment availability, then Save or Save-and-Publish as you would any other assignment in Canvas.