Published since the 1870s this report contains production statistics, mine names, locations, owner information, and accident statistics. Prior to the mid-1880s the reports for anthracite and bituminous coal were produced by separate agencies; therefore early reports for bituminous coal are available as part III "Industrial Statistics" of the Annual Report of the Bureau of Statistics of Pennsylvania, later the Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Industrial minerals were included in these reports beginning with 1973. For more information, please refer to the PA Mines and Mining research guide.
Title of Report | Notes |
(1870) Report of the Inspectors of Coal Mines of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] Casualties: districts, monthly, causes of, character of; Coal statistics, 1870, by county; Casualties per tonnage, by county; Force employed at the mines, by district; Tonnage of Schuylkill district; Casualties, Schuylkill county 1869-1870; British casualties, number of collieries compared; District statistics; County casualties, 1870; detailed casualty lists: Schuylkill, Northumberland, Columbia, Dauphin counties; Coal operators in 1869; Tonnage by rail and canal, 1869; Shamokin, 1869; Supply of bituminous coal; Coal tonnage, Schuylkill district, 1870; Anthracite area, 1869; Northumberland coal trade; Import / export of bituminous and anthracite coal; coal consumption and prices on the seaboard; deep anthracite basins of Schuylkill; Table of tons of coal per acre; new slopes and abandoned slopes of collieries in District 1; new slopes, District 2; Coal measures; coal mined and exported, Great Britain and Belgium; Coal consumed in the Union 1829, 1839, 1849, 1859, 1869 (from PA regions and imported); Aggregate of bituminous coal mined in other State of the Union 1864-1869; Coal tonnage of Great Britain [total and average for 16 years]; Average coal tonnage of Belgium; Coal tonnage of the United States for last 16 years; Summary of the coal product of the United Kingdom, 1867-1868; Table showing the weights, evaporative power, by weight, bulk and character of fuels; Average weight per cubic foot, in pounds; Analysis of fuel [components of coal]; Anthracite coal fields of Pennsylvania; Description of coal fields: Gate Ridge basin, Delaware basin, St. Clair basin, Wadesville basin, Mine Hill basin, Swatara basin, Lykens Valley basin, Dauphin basin, Ashland basin, Mahanoy basin, Shenandoah basin, New Boston basin, McNeal basin, Tamaqua basin, Honey Brook basin, Silver Brook basin, Thomaston basin, Trevorton basin, Shamokin basin, Locust Gap basin, Mt. Carmel basin, Columbia county district, Centralia basin, Locust Dale basin, Coal Ridge basin; Coal veins; Average thickness of coal veins and rock measures at Pottsville; Quantity of coal sent to market from the several anthracite regions of the state, 1820-1869; Operators of collieries and land-owners, Schuylkill counties and tons mined in 1870; Columbia county collieries, Dauphin county collieries, Northumberland county collieries; Blasting in mines. Page numbers as noted in Contents page. |
(1871) Report of the Inspectors of Coal Mines of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] Statistics of deaths, Sub-district casualties of 1871 & 1870 (p. 5); District casualties: Pottsville (1869-1871); Ashland (1870-1871); Shamokin (1870-1871); Total (1869-1871) (p. 6); County casualties for last three years (1869-1871) (p. 6); Monthly casualties 1871 (p. 7); Character of injuries (p. 7-8); Coal tonnage for three years (1869-1871) and proportionate deaths (p. 8); Great Britain: Proportionate deaths per ton, British mining districts (p. 8-9); County tonnage, 1871; District steam power, 1870; Mining and county casualties compared (p. 10); Monthly casualties (p. 11); Names of persons killed, Schuylkill, 1871 (p. 12-15); Deaths in the First (Pottsville) district (p. 16); Deaths in the Second (Ashland) district (p. 17); Deaths in the Third (Shamokin) district (p. 19); List of injured (p. 21-30); List of collieries and tons shipped (p. 34-40); District tonnage (p. 41); Coal from Northumberland county; Coal in the district (p. 42); Little Schuylkill coal trade (p. 42); Lateral coal trade (p. 43); Broad Top coal trade (p. 43); Lehigh Valley railroad tonnage and distribution (p. 43-44); Philadelphia and Reading railroad tonnage, 1870-1871 (p. 44-45); Lehigh and Mahanoy railroad coal tonnage, 1870 (p. 46); Destination of coal shipped from Port Richmond (p. 46); Schuylkill navigation coal trade, 1870-1871 (p. 47); Coal sent to Philadelphia, 1870-1871 (p. 48); Receipts of coal at Port Richmond, 1870-1871 (p. 48); Bloomsburg, Towanda, McIntyre coal trade, 1870-1871 (p. 48); Foreign coal trade, (p. 49); Northern Central railroad trade, 1866-1870 (p. 49); District summary (p. 50); County summary (p. 50); Foreign casualties (p. 51); English mines: Males employed, 1865-1870 (p. 51); Cost of mining coal (p. 81); Tables of elevations (p. 83); Weight of coal in tons per acre (p. 86); Chicago coal trade (p. 87); Mammoth shafts (p. 87); List of maps on file: First district, Second district, Third district (p. 89); North Pennsylvania coal trade (p. 91); Coal consumption: Philadelphia, New York City, Baltimore (p. 92). Diagram: Section of south end of Nesquehoning Tunnel (p. 295). |
(1871-1873) Mineral Statistics of Pennsylvania (pages 194-268 from the 1st Annual Report of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor and Agriculture, 1872/73) | [Anthracite and bituminous] Includes miscellaneous statistics on population (US, World, PA by county); lithographed chart showing population of PA counties 1790-1870; PA historical data, financial, revenue, agricultural, education and charitable institutions, mineral statistics (coal, iron, petroleum, slate, zinc, nickel), Ports of Entry industrial / trade statistics; map of iron, anthracite coal, petroleum, slate and zinc deposits; some data 1820- 1872(coal production); mining statistics by county (1870); PA oil production (1867-1873). |
(1872) Report of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] Diagrams: Transverse section of Eagle Hill Coal Seams, Section at West Norwegian, Section at Phoenix Park, Transverse Section at Taninqua, Section at Silver Creek, Section at Ashland, Transverse section of Locust Dale Coal Seams, Transverse section of Swatara Basin, Transverse section of Shanandoah Coal Basin, Transverse section of Preston Coal seams at Girrardsville, Hazleton Basin, Transverse section Panther Creek and Summit Hill, Transverse section at Dauphin Fork, Rock faults in coal seams, Transverse section at New Boston Broad mountain, Map of the First and Second Anthracite coal fields of Pennsylvania; Pottsville, Ashland districts – various statistics (p. 4); Casualties in the sub-districts in 1869-1872 (p. 5); Annual casualties compared, 1869-1872, by district (p. 6); Schuylkill district coal tonnage, 1872 & tonnage proportion to each casualty, by district (p. 7); County casualties, 1869-1872 (p. 7); District coal tonnage for four years and the proportionate tonnage to each casualty, 1869-1872 (p. 8); Monthly casualties in Schuylkill district, 1872; Tonnage of anthracite region in 1872 & 1871 (p. 8); Deaths and injuries, 1872, by county (p. 9); Tonnage per casualty, anthracite region (p. 9); Character of death casualties & injuries, Schuylkill district, 1872 (p. 9-10); Detailed casualty lists, Schuylkill district, 1872 (p. 11-13); Table of injuries, Schuylkill district, 1872 (p. 14-18); Casualties in Pottsville district, 1872 (p. 18); Casualties in Ashland district, 1872, Casualties in Shamokin district, 1872 (p. 19-20); Colliery deaths compared with England (p. 20); Product of Belgian coal, 1852, 1862, 1867-1871 (p. 20); County coal tonnage, 1872 (p. 21+); County shipments, 1872 (p. 24); Coal – Anthracite & Geological conformation of the soil of Pennsylvania (p. 25-29); Colliery accidents; Steam jet ventilation, mechanical ventilation (p. 32); Accidents in mines; Safety lamps (p. 33); Coal – Bituminous (p. 35); Iron production (p. 36-37); Map of Pine Ridge colliery (p. 160); Map of Henry colliery (p. 168). |
(1873/74) Mineral Statistics of Pennsylvania (from the 2nd Annual Report of the Bureau of Statistics of Pennsylvania), | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Data for 1872/1873. Some statistics 1845+(coal), 1842+(iron); drawing: Grain Elevators of the International Navigation Company Philadelphia; map of Breakwater Harbour (Delaware) |
(1873) Report of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] Map of the First and Second Anthracite coal fields of Pennsylvania, 1873 (front); Names of collieries, 1873 (p. 10); Colliery statistics by counties, 1873 (p. 11); Colliery statistics by districts, 1872-1873 (p. 11); Casualty statistics, 1873 (p. 12-25); Coal tonnage and casualties, 1869-1873, Schuylkill district (p. 25); County casualties, 1869-1873 (p. 25); Capacity and characteristics of collieries, Schuylkill district (p. 26); Coal tonnage of counties, 1873 (p. 26); Coal shipped by collieries, Schuylkill, Columbia, Northumberland, Dauphin counties (p. 26-33); Accidents (p. 40); List of maps of collieries on file, by districts, 1873 (p. 73-74); Diagram: “How to find the depth of shafts, the length of tunnels and surface distances…”(p. 74); Section of the Middle Creek Shaft (p. 178); Section of the Mammoth Vein Coal & Iron Company’s East & West shafts (p. 186); Proposed plan of mining the Mammoth Coal seam, with illustration (p. 187-189); Nomenclature of coal veins, with illustration (p. 198); Graph: Progress of the Anthracite coal trade of Pennsylvania (p. 200); illustration: Constituents of carbureted hydrogen gas and atmospheric air; Symbols of gases (p.200); Diagram: W.B. Culver’s safety hoisting carriage, (p 202). |
(1874) Report of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] Map of the 1st and 2nd Anthracite Coal-Field of Pennsylvania (1875); Mine shaft illustration (p30); graph: progress of anthracite coal trade (1820+ data); Slope diagram (for rescue of miners); Description of gases; gas symbols; illustration of decomposition of air and gas; profile drawing of Mount Carmel mine shaft (p 152); detailed tabulated report of Wyoming coal fields (p 175); map of fire in coal mine, Lehigh & Wilkes Barre Coal Co. No.5 slope workings (p 198) |
(1874/75) Industrial Statistics (From the 3rd Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, part III) | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Pages 172-358 (labor/production for coal, coke, oil, iron, steel & minerals), p.366 (firebrick), p.367 (zinc), methods of coking with drawings [improved coke oven, Bennington coke pits, composite coke oven, American Beehive oven]; glass works (wages) p. 531; mineral resources of Lancaster country (anthracite, charcoal, nickel, zinc, general mineral); diagram - life of wells in PA 1859-1875; p.472-492 miscellaneous coal reports – some data 1820+; Pennsylvania State College history p 431-437 |
(1875) Report of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] Diagram of the constituents of carbureted hydrogen gas & atmospheric air gas symbols; illustration of decomposition of air and gas; slope drawings of several collieries (p 69); profile drawing of Mount Carmel shaft (p 71); drawing of slope no. 1 Beaver Brook Colliery (p 155); drawing of plan of head house at Oakwood shaft (p 167); drawing: plan of double door system in mine shafts (p 181) |
(1875/76) Industrial Statistics (from the 4th Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, part III) | [Anthracite] Coal(data from 1872+) incl. Centre County; drawing-coal cutting machine; drawing-wire rope conveyor for gathering coal; casualties(1869-75); Pittsburgh / Allegheny coal, glass, iron, lead, copper, brass, oil industries(1869+); zinc ore mining; iron ore mining; iron ore analyses; iron manufactures; misc. manufacturers (powder, slate, fire brick); glass works; petroleum; anthracite coal data(1820+) p.490; commerce of Philadelphia and Erie; railroad labor; noxious insects article (Colorado potato beetle) incl. 5 illustrations |
(1876) Report of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] Maps of coal mine shafts where accidents & explosions occurred; Cross section of Mammoth seam; Drawing: “D – D” Doors leading to outlet at bottom of fan; Drawings: ventilating fans and engines (p 101, 103) |
(1877) Report of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania | Map of anthracite coal fields with their outlets to market (1878); Map of the Wadesville Shaft Colliery; Map of Wadesville Shaft Colliery where fire damp explosion occurred & sketch of batteries (p 13, 15); Sketch of Conner Colliery where accident occurred; Cross section through Bast Colliery Tunnel; Map showing location of explosion in No. 7 Shaft; Letter of complaint (p 63); Plan and section of chamber where accident occurred (No 1 shaft, Waterman & Beaver, Kingston); Diagram of chamber where accident occurred (Bellevue shaft, Lackawanna Twp.); John Jermyn’s mines, Scranton – map showing workings and ventilation before and after explosion Nov 1877; Map of mine fire; Drawings: Section of seams and bore holes at several collieries; “Cross section through boundary line between Harleigh & Ebervale Collieries”; “Section of line of bore holes through barrier pillar.” |
(1876/77) Industrial Statistics (from the 5th Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, part III) | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Some 1876 data; Pages 24-29 (petroleum), p.82-445 (coal), p 152-157 Report on coal explorations in Tioga / Potter counties; Maps of 1st bituminous coal district (p 201) and 2nd district (p 257); 3 plans of improved mode of working bituminous coal mines, incl. single and double entry systems – bituminous coal mines; Plan of check house and track at Hampton mines; illustration of Murphy / Champion ventilator; p.500-517 (iron), p 605-615 Exports – var. goods incl. coal, oil; coal transports p 619-627; p.630-634 (slate), 634-636 (lead), 637 (zinc), 638 (stoneware), 639 (firebrick) 643 (steel); wages – coal, iron, glass works; Report on valuation, taxation, and indebtedness of PA townships (p 693-805). |
(1878) Report of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] Some data 1870-1878 (p11-12 coal produced per lives lost); Maps and illustrations: Map of Anthracite coal fields, Cross section of new tunnel at Plank Ridge colliery, Geological section, Ellangowan colliery, Plan of self-dumping carriage, Section of Brisbin mine, showing where Hugues was killed, Map of Pine Brook and Fairlawn mines, Outline drawing of Spring Brook breaker, Murphy Champion ventilator, Plan and section where McFadden and O’Donnell were killed, Section through slopes Nos. 1 and 5, Map showing condition of west fifty-feet gangway in shaft No. 1, Section through slopes No. 2, Section of basin in Coleraine tract. |
(1877/78) Industrial Statistics (from the 6th Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, part III) | Coal cutting machine (“new inventions”), p. 37; 1850-1878 transported coal data; Coal wastes (machine for pressing coal dust, p. 557); Iron p. 559+; Maps / drawings: First bituminous coal district of PA (mine locations / companies); Mine of Penn Gas Coal Company on Youghiogheny River; Plan of Ventilating Furnace; Bituminous coal mines of Pennsylvania - double entry system; Second bituminous coal district of Pennsylvania; Snyder Coal Co’s -Mercer Co.; Map of Mercer Co. showing the location of mines; Pierce Frampton & Co. Mine no. 1 Mercer Co. PA; Plan of ventilating and working bituminous coal on the double heading system; Beehive Coke ovens. |
(1879) Report of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] Some data 1875-1879 (p. 13, 63 casualties, mined tonnage and employees); fans erected, 1870-1879 (p 132-133); Maps and illustrations: Section through Lehigh colliery, deep slope; Specimen sections of the principle seams of coal worked, Shenandoah district; Plan of workings where explosion occurred, Glendon colliery; Plan of breast, Stanton colliery where explosion occurred; West Brookside colliery; Mining drill; Drilling machine; Coal boring machine; Coal drill; Section of No. 4 shaft workings; Pennsylvania Coal Company; Sloan shaft, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad company; Plan of Barnum shaft, Pennsylvania Coal Company; Plan of Blantyre coal workings; Plan of Dinas colliery, South Wales; Plan of Dodge shaft furnace, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad company; Plan showing Butler mine fire; Sketch showing accident at Highland colliery No. 2. |
(1878/79) Industrial Statistics (from the 7th Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, part III) | Early development of anthracite coal (1768-1834) p. 12-13, production 1820-1879; Iron (p 49-109, 170-182) 1874+, ore mines (p 79-81); Glass, petroleum, lead, copper (p 90-92) / glass (p 89,183-189); Iron and tin plates (p 111); steel (p 114-121); Petroleum, 1870-1879 (p 277-289); Firebrick (p 299); slate (p 313) Maps & illustrations: Chart comparing boiling of iron with mining coal & coal on wall track with mining coal (1870-1879); Map of first Bituminous district; Plan of Waverly Coal & Coke company’s mine (Smithton, PA); Eureka Furnace drawing; Plan of tipple, chute, and coal conveyor; Map of Rolling Mill Mine, Johnstown. |
(1880) Report of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] Some data 1875+ (p 19-20,57,60,81,84); Map of Anthracite coal fields with their outlets to market, 1880; Sketch of explosion at Richardson colliery; Map of Shenandoah coal basin; Plan of working Kehley Run colliery; Sketch of Campbell & Co’s gas generator; Kehley Run and Kohinoor collieries; Plan of working Short Mountain and Lykens collieries; Plan of thirty-five foot fan; Plan of section, Leggett’s Creek shaft; Plan showing car drag; Plan of opening breast at Hazleton mine; Ventilation of Hazleton No. 6 colliery; Dates of first coal shipments from collieries (1838+) p 243-245. |
(1879/80) Industrial Statistics (from the 8th Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, part III) | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Report on “The Anthracite coal fields of Pennsylvania and their exhaustion” includes illustrations & tables: cross section in the southern anthracite coal field of Pa.; Section of W. side of Eyster Gap, Trevorton, PA; output of anthracite coal 1820-1880; US coal product by state, 1869 & 1878; US coal exports, 1878-1880; Iron and steel (p 34-75); Pig iron production, Anthracite, Bituminous coal and coke, charcoal 1872-1880 by state (p 38-40); Glass (p 76-77); Petroleum (p 144-152), some data 1864; imports/exports of US 1879-1880, incl. various minerals; drawing of Bee-hive coke ovens – section and detail (p. 288); Mine plan of the Morrell & Wheeler slopes; Connellsville Coke and Iron Co’s shaft no. 1, columnar section (p 292); Map of Connelsville coal vein (p 304); drawing of improved coal washing machine (p. 348); Map of Rolling Mill Mine, Cambria Iron Co., Johnstown (p 404). |
(1881) Report of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] Report of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania Some data 1880 (p 41, 95), 1871+ (p 201); Plan of dam, Richardson colliery; Sections of mammoth vein, Pottsville colliery; Transverse section of geological formation, Pottsville colliery; Shaft at Pottsville colliery; drawing of machinery at Pottsville colliery; Sketch of accident, Lincoln colliery; Sketch of accident, Wolf Creek Diamond colliery; Plan of workings, Ellangowan colliery; Location sketch of accident from gas; Plan of breast at Ellangowan colliery; Sketches of fire at Kehley’s Run colliery (p 70-76); Sketch of hoisting machine, Lehigh colliery; Sketch of Keystone colliery site of explosion (p 109); Double fan drawing (p 150); Plan of section of Henry Shaft Workings, L.V. Coal Co.; Plan of section of Mill Creek Slope Workings, D. & H. Canal Co.; Map of Cranberry colliery (No. 9 section); diagram of L.C.&N. Co’s No.9 colliery fire location; diagram of No.9 tunnel, Panther Creek Valley (fire location); Several drawings of hospital (exterior & floor plans) in Drifton at colliery of Coxe Bros. & Co.; Illustration of old and new systems of ventilation at site of explosion, L.C. & N. Co’s No. 4 colliery, Lansford. |
(1880/81) Industrial Statistics (from the 9th Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, part III) | Paper: “The Available Tonnage of the Bituminous Coal-Fields of Pennsylvania,” with columnar section illustration of bituminous coals of Pennsylvania (p 11-26); Iron and steel (p. 27-53); Glass (p. 56-60); Report on factory regulations (p. 95-104) and fire escapes (p. 105-124); production of miscellaneous industries, incl. various minerals (p 125-141); Oil fields (p. 142-145); U.S. Census of 1881 – data for Pennsylvania by districts; “Labor Troubles in Pennsylvania” (p 262-391); Map of the first bituminous coal district (p 392); bituminous coal data 1878-1881; Plan of workings, Gamble & Risher, Monongahela River (1878) (p 412); Map of Horner and Roberts’ Coal Works, Forward Township, Allegheny County (p 450); Plan of shaft, No. 1 Mine of Penn Gas Coal Company, Westmoreland Co. (p 453); Coal washing machinery in use at Rochester Mine, DuBois (p 502); Working plan of Eureka No. 2, Houtzdale; (p 508); Drawing of air machine and Harrison mining machine (p 514, 517); Labor laws of Pennsylvania. |
(1882) Report of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] Comparative statistics (p 5-6); Cross section drawing of Kaska William shaft; diagrams of accident site, Cuyler colliery; diagrams of several accident sites (Coal Run colliery, Suffolk Coal Company, Turkey Run colliery, West Bear Ridge colliery, Kohinoor colliery (explosion); Map of Williamstown colliery; data 1866+ (p 70); 1878+ (p 95); site of fire, No. 1 shaft workings, Susquehanna Coal Co.; plan of dams at Maltby shaft No. 2; Apparatus for putting out a fire in a coal mine; “The first bandage” drawing; Plan of accident site, Dodson Shaft Workings, Plymouth Coal Co.; Transverse section, No. 9 tunnel, Panther Creek Valley, Lansford, site of fire; Horizontal view of timber dam, No. 9 tunnel, Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co.; diagram of fire location, L. C. & N. Co.’s No. 9 colliery; Map of west end of Nos. 1 and basins, Hollywood colliery (fall locations); Illustration of accident site, Spring Mountain No. 4 & section lines; Sketch of accident site (coal fall), Mammoth seam, Lattimer No. 2; Sketch of Nesquehoning Breaker, site of accident; Graph showing no. killed by month, 1882. |
(1881/82) Industrial Statistics (from the 10th Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, part III) | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Anthracite production (p 1 only); Report: The Iron and Steel Industries of Pennsylvania [history of iron use in world, US colonies, early PA (iron and steel)] (p 3-39); iron and steel production (p 37-44); glass (p 45); brass, copper, slate (p 62); petroleum (p 63-67); wages, var. industries 1873+(p 68-81); manufactures: total value by state – 1870 & 1880; PA counties – 1880; PA industries, incl. various minerals – 1880 (p 84-90); Tariff of 1883; Labor Troubles; Mining Laws of Great Britain; Map of the Gas Coal Region of Westmoreland & Allegheny County(p 40a); Plan of bottom at Westmoreland shaft, Westmoreland Coal Co.(p 44a); Map showing a section of Beaver Run Coal Field, Clearfield Co.(p 90a); Drawing of locomotive train (p 93a); Map of Dagus Mines, N.W.M. & E. Co. Elk Co.(p 94a); drawing of No. 1 Plane Dagus Mines (p 94a); Map of mine and profile, Blossburg Coal Co., Arnot (p 134a). |
(1883) Report of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] Illustration of bore holes at E. Franklin Colliery, Pottsville district (p 12); coal production values, Schuylkill district, 1880-1883 (p 20); Diagrams: site of gas explosions, Packer colliery, Lehigh Valley & William Penn colliery (p 42-44); Map of fire location, Lykens Valley colliery (p 64); Casualties, 1880-1883 (p 91); coal mined vs. lives lost, 1871-1883 (p 101); Illustration of fans, Susquehanna Coal Co. (p 118); Section of tunnels and veins, Coxe Bros., Derringer (p 248); scene of accident at L.C. & Nav. Co. No. 9 colliery; scene of accident at No. 4 breaker, Upper Lehigh (p. 264). |
(1882/83) Industrial Statistics (from the 11th Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, part III) | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Anthracite (one table), iron ore, pig-iron (US data 1854+, PA data 1880-1883), iron rail production 1867+, iron & steel (1874+), petroleum (data 1859+), glass, miscellaneous manufactures (copper, lead, zinc; p 73-94), slate; Illustr. of milling machines, flour mill (Geo. Levan and Sons, Lancaster) (p 52-60); 2 Lithographs – Moore & McLaughlin slate quarry, Delta, York Co.(p 70, 72); Labor troubles in Pennsylvania during 1883; The first bandage instructions for the injured, illustr. (p 154); Temporary methods of treating injured persons...(p 155-157); Map of first bituminous coal district; Illustr. of tiple house and sidings of Coal Bluff Coal Mines; Illustr. of headhouse and coal hopper, and Plan of Mine No.2, Connelsville Coke & Iron Co. (p 12a); Plan of ventilating furnace, Summit Mines, H.C. Frick Coke Co. (p 14a); Drawing of coal washer, Monastery Coke Works (p 38a); Drawing of Cornish pump, Westmoreland Coal Co. (p 46a); Plan of workings, Towanda Coal Co. (p 108a); Map of mine workings, slope, plane and gangway, and section of trestle and slope, Bennington Mine, Blair Iron and Coal Co. (p 112a & 114a); Labor laws. |
(1884) Report of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] Casualties 1875-1884 (p 8); Cross section through Eagle Hill Colliery (p 8); Cross section through new underground slope at the Shenandoah City Colliery (p 36); Comparative statistics of casualties, tonnage, and employees, Shenandoah district, 1880-1884 (p 52); Bear Valley Colliery sketch of fire location (p 68); Sketch of an apparatus for producing carbonic-acid gas (p 98); Plan of sinking head house at S. Wilkes Barre shaft No. 5 – side view, end view; Plan of hoisting arrangement for sinking shafts – end view (p 99); some coal data 1883 (p 149); fatal accidents, 1881-1884 (p 228-229); Sketch of accident site, Upper Lehigh (p 256); Sketch of accident site, Coleraine (p 258); Diagram: Number of accidents each month, 1881-1884 ( p 264) |
(1884) Industrial Statistics (from the 12th Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, part III) | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Wages 1875+ (p 30); Anthracite coal data (p 82); Bituminous coal data (p 83); Iron & Steel, some data 1874+ (p 84-104); Glass (p 128); Petroleum (p 129-135); Slate (p 154); Report on Pullman, Illinois (p 165-188) with 10 illustrations; Diagram of steam fan for ventilating mines (p 2a); Map of first bituminous coal district (p 4a); Plan of explosion site, Lovedale mine (p 14a); Drawing of improved attachments for ventilation of mines (p 30a); 3 Plates: Columnar sections of Pittsburgh coal seam (p 50a); 3 illustrations, Westmoreland Shaft Cage, Westmoreland Coal Co. (p 56a); Plan of ventilating furnace, Arnold Coal Co., Westmoreland (p 60a); Map of the Dagus mine, North Western Mining & Exchange Co. (p 92a); Illustrations of Long Valley Mine Locomotive and Blacksmith Shop and Long Valley Plane, (p 132a-141a); Section of Youngstown mine explosion site (p 154a); Plan of mines of Youngstown Coke Company, North Union Township (p 160a); Map of shaft No. 2, Connelsville Coal & Iron Co., site of explosion; Diagram: Conner’s new method of driving headings (p 174a); Map of the village of Peale, Clearfield Bituminous Coal Co. (p 197a); Maps of drift no. 1-4 tunnel mines, Clearfield Bituminous Coal Co. (p 198a); Plan of ventilating furnace for the Clearfield Bituminous Coal Co. (p 201a); Sketch of chute and tracks at Grassflat Mines,, Clearfield Bituminous Coal Co. (p 205a); Map of Whitehead and Co.’s coal properties, Clearfield County; Diagrams of derrick for shaft, Whitehead and Co.’s collieries (p 210a, 212a); Diagram of standard mine car, Whitehead and Co.’s collieries (p 214a) |
(1885) Report of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania | Drawings: Kohinoor Colliery, Shenandoah, Schuylkill Co. [Outside view (p 2), Face of Breast - Miners at Work (p 16), Face of Breast – Miners Using Patent Drill (p 20), Arnaux Electric Light Plant in East Gangway (p 32), Breast No. 39, Pillar and Fallen Coal – Miners at work (p 56), Breast No. 39, Pillar and Fallen Coal (p 72), Gangway from Breast No. 39 (p 196)]; Inside view of Eagle Hill Breaker, Boys picking slate (p 36); Breast No. 1 Indian Ridge Colliery, Shenandoah, Schuylkill County (p 48); Drawing of Scharar’s speed and time recorder; Plan of mining in the Harkness Tunnel in No. 2 Shaft, Plymouth (site of explosion) (p 74); Slope No. 2 Ebervale, Cross section of local basin (p 124); Map of Ebervale Slope No. 2 - location and extent of fire (p 126); Diagram: Number of fatal accidents, 1881-1885 by month (p 136); Plan for Working No. 3 Shaft, LC& N Co., Lansford (p 140); Section of Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co’s Shaft No. 2 Colliery No. 6 (p 142); Map: Parts of Nos 2 & 9 Workings, Tresckow (p 158); Drawing: Mahanoy Plain, Schuylkill County (p 190); Sketch of vertical section, looking through sketch No. 1 (p 242); Appendix: Special report on Nanticoke Mine Disaster. Includes 4 sketches, in pocket: Plan for Working No. 3 shaft, LC & N. Co; Sketch of Portion of the working on the Mammoth vein cast gangway first lift, North Ashland Colliery; Scene of gas explosion, Otto Colliery; Sketch of cave in workings, Ross Seam, No.1 slope, Susquehanna Coal Co. |
(1885) Industrial Statistics (from the 13th Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, part III) | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Front pocket: Sketch showing portion of the working of the Mammoth Vein East Gangway First Lift, North Ashland Colliery; Sketch showing Regent cave in Workings of Ross seam, No. 1 slope, Susquehanna Coal Co.; LC & N plan for working no. 3 shaft, Lansford office; Report: The Manual Training and Technical Schools of Philadelphia (p 1-16); The Glass Sand Industry of the Juniata Valley (p 36-43) with illustr.: Quarry of Juniata Sand Co., Bucket Tramway at Granville, View of Rocky Ridge; Report: Cylinder or Window glass (p 44-58) with data, 1884-1885; Iron and its products (p 59-75), incl. brass, bronze, copper (p 68); Petroleum (p 76-77); Clay, incl. fire-brick, terra-cotta (p 101-103); Slate (p 118); Drawings: Kohinoor Colliery: Breaker Outside View (p 186); Face of Breast - Miners at Work, Face of Breast – Miners Using Patent Drill, Arnaux Electric Light Plant in East Gangway, Inside view of Eagle Hill Breaker, Boys picking slate, Breast No. 1 Indian Ridge Colliery, Breast No. 39, Pillar and Fallen Coal – Miners at work, Breast No. 39, Pillar and Fallen Coal; Drawing of Scharar’s speed and time recorder (p 64a); Plan of mining in the Harkness Tunnel in No. 2 shaft, Plymouth (p 74a); Slope no. 2 Ebervale cross section showing local basin (p 124a); Ebervale slope no. 2 showing location & extent of fire (p 126a); Diagram showing number of fatal accidents by month, 1881-1885 (p 134a); LC & N Co. Plan for working no. 3 shaft (p 140a); Section of Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co. shaft no. 2, colliery no. 6 (p 142a); Parts of nos 2 & 9 workings, Tresckow (p 158a); Mahonoy Plane, Schuylkill (p 190a); Kohinoor Colliery gangway from breast no. 39 (p 196a); Sketch of vertical section, looking through sketch No. 1 (p 242a); Part plan of Blythe Mine of the Y. and A. Coal Co. (p 42b); H.C. Frick Coak [Coke] Co. Standard Mines (p 52b); Section of strata, New York and Westmoreland Gas Coal and Coke Co’s shaft; Drawings of H.C. Frick Coak [Coke] Co (p148b – 154b) [Miners houses at Trotter; New Trestle (Bradford, Fayette County); Coak Works; Trotter fan]; Gallitzen slopes, Cambria County (p 184, 186b); Back pocket: Map of the Franklin Mine Works (Clearfield); Drawing showing method of fan as upcast & downcast, Connellsville Coke & Iron Co.; Examples of wooden and brick overcasts and a timber dam, Westmoreland Coal Co.; Sketch of explosion site, Otto colliery. |
(1886) Report of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] Drawings: Bartl’s time and speed indicator – front & side view (p 22); Poore’s speed register for fans or other machinery (p 24); 4th district data, 1881-1886 (p 115); Sketch showing relative position of the P & RC & I Cos Ellangowan colliery workings to the abandoned workings of the Yatesville colliery (p 148); 1885-1886 comparative data (p 151-152); Casualties, 1882-1886 (p 153); 5th district data, 1882-1886 (p 154); Sketch showing scene of accidents at Phoenix Park, No. 3 colliery (p 198); Sketch showing scene of accidents at Wolf Creek Diamond (Minersville) (p 200); back pocket: Map of accident site, Marvine mines; Section of the Conyngham shaft workings showing the scene of explosion; Map of the eastern end of Ebervale and western end of Jeddo collieries showing barrier pillar; Cross section through boundary pillar between Yorktown & Trescow collieries; Sketch of relative position of North Mahanoy colliery workings to abandoned workings, West Lehigh colliery; Tracing of fire accident scene, Wm. Connell & Co.’s Meadow Brook shaft, Scranton; Map of Fairlawn mines No. 3 vein. |
(1886) Industrial Statistics (from the 14th Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, part III) | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Report on "Homes for working people" (p 17 – 28), illustr: Company block at Johnstown, Cambria Iron Works; Mechanics’ dwelling, Altoona; Log cabin, Baker Furnace; Shanties at Steelton; Report: Homes in the mining districts (p 27-29), illustr: Miners’ shanty; Report: Neat and cheap designs for workingmen’s homes (p 30 - 37) incl. drawings / plans; Report: Employment of children, incl. statistics (p 38-52); Iron (p 58-60); Map of explosion site, Fairlawn mines (p 16a); Map of fire accident site, Connell & Co., Meadow Brook (p 18a); Drawings: Bartl’s time and speed indicator, Pooris speed register (p 24a); Sketch – relative position of Ellangowan colliery to abandoned workings, Yatesville colliery (p 148a); Sketches of accident scenes (p 198-200a); Drawing of safety catch, Lackawanna shaft, Mercer County & Fairbank Mine, Saltsburg Coal Co. (p 80b); Drawings of H. C. Frick Coke Co (Broadford, Fayette County): Pumping engines & New tipple (p 104b); Drawings: Brown Mine (p 134b); Irvona Mine (p 136b); Back pocket: Drawings: Shaft No. 2 Plant, H.C. Frick Coke Co, Mt. Pleasant (2 copies); Plan of bottom at Standard Mines, Shaft No. 2, H.C. Frick Coke Co, Mt. Pleasant; Section of the Conyngham shaft workings showing the scene of explosion; Rothrock colliery, R.B. Wigton & Sons; Sketch of relative position of North Mahanoy colliery workings to abandoned workings, West Lehigh colliery; Cross section through boundary pillar between Yorktown & Trescow collieries; Car shifting & caging machinery, Standard Mines, Shaft No. 2, H.C. Frick Coke Co.; Map of the eastern end of Ebervale and western end of Jeddo collieries showing barrier pillar; Map of accident site, Marvine mines. |
(1887) Report of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite Coal Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] Includes comparative data 1886-1887; Map of Yorktown No. 5 slope (p 78); Casualties & coal production 1883-1887, 5th district (p 103-104); ‘Electricity in use as a motive power for underground mine haulage’ (p 121-123); Sketch showing portion of the workings on the Mammoth Vein west gangway third lift at Tunnel Colliery [accident site] (p 130). |
(1887) Industrial Statistics (from the 15th Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, part III) | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Alleviation of distress among workingmen (p B.1-46); Statistics of wages and earnings, iron, steel and other industries (p C.1-53); Statistics relating to time of employment, showing days of operation of industrial establishments: coal, iron, clay, brick, slate, petroleum, and other industries (p D.1-23); Wages and earnings of various industries (p D.24-27); The Cambria Iron Company (p E.1-19), incl. drawing of Cambria Iron Works, portrait of Daniel J. Morrell, photographs of tenement houses & photographs of Cambria Library and Hospital; The Keystone saw, tool, steel and file works (p E.21-35), incl. drawing: Works of Henry Disston & Sons, inside photographs (Hardening and Tempering Dept., Grinding Dept.); photographs of streets & buildings in Philadelphia (Keystone St., Longshore St., Tulip St., Knorr St., Marsden St., Music Hall & Disston Library), portrait of Henry Disston; The Employment of Labor in the Connellsville Coke Region (p F.1-18); The Statistics of Strikes – various industries, 1881-1887 (p F.19-49); The Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers (p G.1-27); History of Knights of Labor (p G.28-44); The condition of wage-earners & workingmen’s returns (H.1-28); Photograph of Catsburgh Mine Tipple (p I.1); Map of Albany Colliery, Jefferson Township (p I.4); comparative data 1886/1887, 3rd bituminous district (p K.2); Drawing: Section of strata passed through in sinking Lackawannock shaft No. 2, Mercer Co. (p K.4); Photograph of coke ovens, Walston (p L.2); Map: A part of the Jones Mine, Morris Run Coal Mining Co, Morris Run Tioga County (p L.4); comparative data, 1886/1887, 5th bituminous district (p M.3-5); Map of Lemon Mine at Bennington, Blair Co. (p N.4); comparative data, 1886/1887, 1st anthracite district (p Q.1); Deaths, accidents 1881-1887 data, 4th anthracite district (p T.4-5); Map of Yorktown No. 5 slope (p T.6); 1886-1887 & 1883-1887 data, 5th anthracite district (p U.5-8) & 6th anthracite district (p V.9); 1886-1887 data, 7th anthracite district (p W.1-3). |
(1888) Reports of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite and Bituminous Coal Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Diagram of Brick and Timber Dams at No. 10 colliery, Lehigh & W-Barre Coal Co. (p 100); 1881-1888 data, 4th anthracite district; Diagram of double Bradley jig, Beaver Brook Collieries (p 146); Sketch and section showing fire in Mammoth Vein workings, Lattimer Colliery (p 150); Map of Lattimer slopes (p 154); Map of accident scene, Highland Slope No. 1 (p 158); Sketch showing breast where accident occurred, Drifton No. 2 (p 164); 1887-1888 data, 5th anthracite district; Section of the hoisting slope, Girard Colliery (p 186); Sketch showing portion of rock blown out by dynamite, P&R C&I Co’s Kohinoor Colliery & sketch of plug used for blocking hole, dynamite cartridge (p 188); Profile of dump & tender slope at Preston No. 3 colliery (p 206); 1887-1888 data, 6th anthracite district; Sketch H H of plan to tap water in Heckleburnie Mine (p 228); Plan of Acme Mines (p 242); Drawing of fan (p 266); Pictures of hoisting engine at Standard Mine & No. 2 Shaft No. 2, H. C. Frick Coke Company (p 272); 1885-1888 data, 2nd & 3rd bituminous districts; Sketches of wire rope machinery (p 310); Map of Drift No. 1, Kettle Creek Coal Mining Co. (p 312); Plan of Leisenring Mines No. 3, Head-House and Bins, Shaft Timbers, & Arch Pit-Bottom of shaft, Connellsville Coke and Iron Co. (p 336); Sketches of haulage arrangements and tracks, Trotter Mine (p 344); Map of Webster colliery No. 3, Cambria County (p 364); Mining plan of Taylor & McCoys shaft, Gallitzin (p 366); Map of workings (p 386); 1887-1888 data, 8th bituminous district; Map of Rothrock Mine, Moshannon Vein, near Philipsburg. |
(1889) Reports of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite and Bituminous Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Diagram: Sinking head frame with safety gates, Franklin shaft, Lehigh Valley Coal Company (p 104); drawing of J.H. Bowden’s self-oiling closed wheel (p 110) ; 1871-1889 data, 3rd anthracite district; Sketch of mine workings, Nanticoke accident site (p 122); 1881-1889 data, 4th anthracite district; 1888-1889 & 1885-1889 data, 5th anthracite district; Plan of ventilation in mine workings, Rapp shaft, Packer colliery (p 190); pictures of Shenandoah City shaft, Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Company (p 194); Preston No. 3 Colliery, Profiles of hoisting and pump slopes (p 212); 1888-1889 data, 7th anthracite district; Head frame at Kaska William shaft, Lehigh Coal & Navigation Company (p 240); Sketch of tunnel at No. 5 colliery, Lehigh Coal & Navigation Company (p 244); 1877-1889 data, 1st bituminous district; Plan of 4th dip entry Yough slope (p 300); Sketches of automatic valve for water supply regulation & automatic ventilating door (p 318); Double tail rope haulage, Rochester mine, DuBois (p 340); Sketch of safety attachment to shaft cage (p 354); Section of strata at Mayer shaft, Fayette, & drawing of shaft cage device to prevent accidents from overwinding (p 370); drawing of Shaw’s instrument to test for ignitable gas (p 373) with record of test made of mine gases, Morell Mines (p 374); picture of Cresson shaft (p 390); picture of mining town, Summerhill, Cambria County (p 392); Sketch of Powers Mine, Toms Run Allegheny Cnty showing location and extent of fatal explosion (p 408); Ventilating furnace, Becks Run mine(p 410); Sketches of accident sites (p 422); 1884-1889 data – accidents, 8th bituminous district; Map of New Castle mine (p 446). |
Reports of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite and Bituminous Regions of Pennsylvania | 1887-1890 data – anthracite/bituminous districts; 1885-1890 data, 2nd anthracite district; Slope workings, Bennett vein, Black Diamond colliery (p 74); Map of requested change in boundary line between first and second anthracite districts (p 76); Map showing location of fire, shaft no. 14, Pennsylvania Coal Co. (p 78); Sketch showing bridge & tower (accident scene), Babylon Coal Co. (p 80); Sketch of mine workings, Nottingham colliery (site of gas explosion) (p 126); Map of South Wilkes-Barre workings (fire location) (p 128); Sketch of workings, Jersey colliery (accident site) (p 134); 1881-1890 data, 4th anthracite district; Partial map, Audenried basin, Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Co. (p 208); 1889-1890 & 1886-1890 data, 5th anthracite district; 1887-1890 data, 6th anthracite district; Map of Cameron colliery & cross-section (p 236-8); 1889-1890 data, 7th anthracite district; Sketches of explosion site, Feager Ridge colliery (p 264); photograph of Buffalo Mines (p 281); Drawings: “Natural gas entering mine from opening in pipes” first and second experiment (p 292); 1879-1890 data, 3rd bituminous district; Map of Dunbar Furnace mines (p 372); Map of rescue tunnel, Hill Farm mine disaster (p 374); Photographs: Hill Farm, Mahoning mines, Redstone shaft, Summit mines: Larry, track and tipple & Pit mouth (p 382-6); Photograph, Mt. Vernon colliery (p 460). |
(1891) Reports of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite and Bituminous Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Summary of new regulation “Pillars between adjoining properties” & accompanying Table of barrier pillars (p 75-8); some data 1807-1820, 4th anthracite district (Wyoming region); Map showing pillar between Conyngham and Hollenback (p 84); Drawing of Williams’ self-recording pressure meter and pressure alarm for mine ventilators (p 89); Map of Lee & Ross seam workings accident scene, Susquehanna Coal Company (p 103, 106); 1882-1891 data, 5th anthracite district; Sketch of dam in airway betw. Cranberry & Mt. Pleasant (p 139); Plan & cross section of basin, Cranberry & Mt. Pleasant; Sketch of no. 10 slope workings & no. 8 east gangway, Spring Mountain colliery (p 152); Map of part of workings from slopes 1 & 8, Spring Mountain colliery (p 178); 1887-1891 data, 6th anthracite district; Drawings of Oneida colliery: Section on line of slope no. 1; Slope no. 2, location of tunnel; Section no. 3, line of borings near boundary line, slope no. 3 (p 224-228); Drawing of winding drum, Anderson mine (p 294); Map of Mammoth mine accident site, H. C. Frick Coke Co. (p 316); Photographs of electric power station, Bear Run mine (p 376); Photographs of head frame (p 394); Plan of workings, Oliver mine no. 1, Redstone junction (p 404); Columnar section of shaft no. 1 & 2, Oliver coke works (p 406); Columnar section, Juniata shaft (p 408); 1885-1891 data, 6th bituminous district; Map: Portion of Grassflat mine showing rope haul and electric pump, Clearfield Bituminous Coal Corp. (p 492); Map of Electric mine, Osceola Mills (p 495); Map of Atlantic no. 2 mine, Berwind-White Coal Mining Co., Houtzdale (p 496). |
(1892) Reports of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite and Bituminous Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Mining statistics, aggregate data: 1888-1892; by district, county, and colliery: 1886-1892 (p v-xlv); Accident at no. 1 shaft, Terrick Creek Colliery, Peckville; Diagram of brick dam, Hillman shaft Wyoming colliery (p 77) & Forty Fort colliery (p 78); Sketch of Dodson colliery Battimore vein workings – area filled with culm & sketch of culm flusher (p 124); Diagram of automatic system for transferring cars from shaft head to breaker dump (p 126); 1883-1892 data, 5th anthracite district; Plans showing drill holes to tap water between collieries of Lentz, Lilly & Co. (p 196); 1888-1892 data, 6th anthracite district; 1890-1892 data, 7th anthracite district; Plan & section of York Farm colliery accident scene & sketch of East Black mine vein (p 244-248); Plan & profile, Lytle Coal Co. colliery (p 248); 1891-1892 data, 8th anthracite district; 1885-1892 data, 2nd bituminous district; photograph of Bear Run Mine, Blossburg Coal Co. showing mining locomotives (p 344). |
(1893) Reports of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite and Bituminous Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Mining statistics 1889-1893 (p ii-xliii); Sketch of Black Diamond Colliery explosion site (p 81); Sketch of Pettebone Mines explosion site (p 82); Sketch of East Boston explosion site (p 84); Map of part of workings & cross section, Hazleton collieries (p 150); Diagrams of furnace for burning small size anthracite coal (p 161-162); Working drawing of automatic stoker furnace; Side and transverse elevation of the Stirling boiler plant (p 162-163); Photographs of boiler, No. 6 slope, Eckley (p 166-169); 1889-1893 data, 6th anthracite district; Map of Pennsylvania colliery ‘Shaft counter’ (p 224); 1891-1893 data, 7th anthracite district; 1892-1893 data, 8th anthracite district; Drawing of proposed slope, Cincinnati coal mines (p 264); 1892-1893 data, 5th bituminous district; Plan of Lemont No. 2 mine, Fayette county (p 362); Drawing of “Stanley Header” coal cutting machine (p 370); Section of Laurel Hill No. 2 mine, explosion site (p 426); Picture of coal cutting machine (p 450). |
(1894) Reports of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite and Bituminous Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Mining statistics, 1890-1894 (p v-liii); Diagram of drum and fan on gravity plane (p 6); 1880-1894 data, 5th anthracite district; 1890-1894 data, 6th anthracite district; 1892-1894 data, 7th anthracite district; Photographs of ‘Power House’; Drawing of electric locomotive; Photograph of switch board; Drawings: Electric station pump, Electric power station, Rotary electric coal drill, CO2 burette & CO burette (p 502). Includes: Map showing location of fire - fans - water pipe in Packer No.5 mine workings, Lehigh Valley Coal Company, May 1894. |
(1895) Reports of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite and Bituminous Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Mining statistics, 1891-1895 (p ix-xix); Coal production of the world (various countries) (p xx); Mining laws: Text of law relating to anthracite coal mines (p xxi-liii); Text of law relating to bituminous coal mines (p liv-xci); Map of Wyoming colliery, Lehigh Valley Coal Co., explosion site (p 64); Map of Torrance Colliery, Lehigh Valley Coal Co., explosion site (p 90); Diagram of 35 ft. fan (p 102); Picture of air compressor (p 104); Pictures of pneumatic locomotive (p 106); Diagram of charging connections for compressed air locomotive (p 107); Diagram of flange, compressed air plant (p 108); Map of workings & cross section of basins, Buck Mountain Collieries slope (p 144); Plan and section of boiler plant, Hazleton no. 1 Colliery (p 148); Map of Hazleton no. 1 Colliery, fire location, Lehigh Valley Coal Co. (p 158); Section of no. 11 basin, Milnesville; 1894-1895 & 1891-1895 data, 6th anthracite district; West Bear Ridge Colliery, fire location (p 200); 1893-1895 data, 7th anthracite district; 1894-1895 data, 5th bituminous district; Section of Brier Hill mine, explosion site (p 465); Map of Morrisdale Coal Co. Morrisdale shaft; Morrisdale shaft head, scale, screen, and dump houses (p 510). |
(1896) Reports of the Inspectors of Mines of the Anthracite and Bituminous Regions of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Mining statistics, 1892-1896 (p xvi-xxiii); Laws relating to coal mining (xxiv-cxi); 1892-1896 data, 1st anthracite district; Map of the Twin Mines, Pittston disaster site (p 78); Partial map, South Wilkes Barre no. 3 Colliery (p 114); Section, Tunnel and Hand Diamond drill holes, Beaver Meadow Colliery (p 157); 1895-1896 data, 6th anthracite district; 1894-1896 data, 7th anthracite district; Sketch of Middle Creek Colliery, explosion site (p 251); Plan showing method of running culm into mineworkings, York Farm Colliery (p 262); Map of Washington mine, explosion site (p 299); 1895-1896 data, 3rd bituminous district; Map of mine workings, DuBois shaft, accident site (400). |
(1897) Report of the Bureau of Mines | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Anthracite mine data & graph, 1870-1897; Bituminous mine data & graph, 1878-1897 (p viii-ix); Production of clay and shale (p xv-xvi); 1893-1897 data, coal & coke (pxxx-xxxiv); Flushing culm into anthracite mines (p xxxv-li), incl. photograph of culm-flushing plant & culm bank at Black Diamond Colliery; Drawing of culm-flushing plant at Dodson Colliery; Diagram of culm-flushing plant and conveyor line; Mining laws (p iv-cxxxix); Map of middle vein, Jermyn no. 1 Colliery (p 50); Map of Mount Lookout Colliery Pittston vein, Wyoming, PA (p 68); 1871-1897 data, 4th anthracite district; 1888-1897 data, 5th anthracite district; Photograph of Pump House, Hazleton Shaft Colliery (p 135); Diagram of Corliss pumping engine (p 136); Map of No. 3 slope portion, Cranberry Mine (p 138); 1895-1897 data, 5th anthracite district; Diagram: Method of mining and robbing pillars, Richards Colliery (p 192); Photograph of compressed air locomotive (p 282); Map of Carbon Coal Company Mine (p 283); 1896-1897 data, 3rd bituminous district; 1896-1897 data, 5th bituminous district; Columnar section of coal measures, 8th bituminous district (p 452); Photograph of tower and tipple, Davidson Shaft (p 467). |
(1898) Report of the Bureau of Mines | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Report on the Connelsville coke region, incl. photographs: coking process, charging ovens, cooling, drawing and loading coke (p xx –xxxii); Photograph of workmen’s houses (p xxxii); Mining data, anthracite mines, 1870-1898; bituminous mines, 1878-1898 (p lxix), coal and coke production, anthracite & bituminous data, 1894-1898, incl. graphs of anthracite and bituminous data (p lxix– lxxxiii); Mining laws; Map of fire at Cooper Vein Alden Colliery (p 102); 1889-1898 data, 5th anthracite district; Plan of wooden over cast, Hazleton Colliery (p 140); 1897-1898 data, 6th anthracite district; 1896-1898 data, 7th anthracite district; 1897-1898 data, 3rd bituminous district; 1897-1898 data, 5th bituminous district. Accompanied by a portfolio of 21 maps including: maps of the 1st – 8th anthracite districts; maps of the 1st - 10th bituminous districts; Plan of boundary workings, actual and projected, Oliver Mines No. 1 & 2, Oliver PA; Latrobe Coal Company’s Colliery, Map showing location of the fire which occurred on night of June 17th 1898 resulting in the death of three men; Kaska-William Colliery, Plan and section showing the veins cut in the tunnel driven during 1898 and their position as indicated by the State Geological Survey cross section, published in May 1891. |
(1899) Report of the Bureau of Mines | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Photographs of steel headframes at various anthracite mines; Anthracite production, 1870-1899 (p ix-x); Bituminous production, 1880-1899 (p xiv); Coke production, 1880-1899 & monthly data, 1894-1899 (p xxi-xxvi); Coal & coke production and employment data, 1891-1899, by district & county (p xxvii-xliv); accidents (anthracite) 1870-1889 & 1884-1899 (bituminous); Diagram showing potential for error in mine mapping (p 89); Map of fire location, Pittston/14 ft. vein, No. 6 shaft, Pennsylvania Coal Co. (p 136); Map of fire location, Bottom-Split workings, Empire No. 4 Colliery (p 176); 1890-1899 data, 5th anthracite district; Plan of dam & map of dam location to extinguish fire, Lawrence Colliery (p 295); Section map of Lawrence Colliery Breast No. 27 & sketch of East Holmes bed gangway (p 297); 1895-1899 data, 7th anthracite district; Plan of accident site, Kaska-William Colliery (p 380); Plan of shaft No. 2, Penn Gas Coal Company, roads used by compressed air locomotives (p 495); Plan of new mine stables, Standard No. 2 shaft, H.C. Frick Coke Co. (p 496); Photographs of Morrisdale Coal Co.’s shaft surface buildings, before and after fire (p 814). |
(1900) Report of the Bureau of Mines | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Casualty data, 1891-1900, anthracite & bituminous mines (p xxi, xxvii-xxxviii); production & employment, anthracite mines, 1881-1900 (p xxiii-xxiv); Map of Buck Mountain slopes No. 1 & 2; Cross section through Buck Mountain Collieries showing basins developed by borings (p xxiv); Diagram of Williams automatic overwinding device for hoisting engines (p xxvi); number of gaseous & non-gaseous mines, anthracite & bituminous (p xxxix-xl); 1891-1900 data, anthracite, bituminous & coke (p lii-lxi); anthracite casualties / production, 1870-1900 (p lxxii); bituminous casualties / production, 1884-1900 (p lxxiii); Mining laws; 1891-1900 data, 5th anthracite district; Map of Buck Mountain Colliery, Mill Creek Coal Co – explosion site (p 206); Map of Buck Mountain Vein workings at Primrose Colliery (p 210); Map of workings, fire and explosion site, No. 1 colliery, James W Ellsworth & Co. (p 306). |
(1901) Report of the Bureau of Mines | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Mining laws; Report on accidents from falls, with diagram of working faces (p 13), tools used in withdrawing timber (p 14) and illustration of roof at Courrieres Collieries (France); data from falls of roof and sides, 1895-1899: UK, PA, and other countries; illustration of how working place is timbered (p 20); Anthracite mine data, incl. production, employment, fatalities (p 24- 42) incl. 1892-1901 & 1881-1901 (various); explosive use, 1892-1901; Number of gaseous / non-gaseous mines; fatalities, 1870-1901; Bituminous mine data (p 49-69) incl. fatalities by nationality, 1899-1901, 1892-1901 statistics (various), & accident data, 1894 – 1901; 1892-1901 data, 5th anthracite district; Illustration of brick dam at Beaver Meadow slope No. 2 (p 244). |
(1902) Report of the Bureau of Mines | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Mining laws; fold-out: abstract of anthracite report, 1902 (p 16); Anthracite mine data, incl. production, employment, fatalities: 1893-1902 (p 19-24), 1883-1902 (p 25-26), & 1870-1902 (p 27); Report: “The great anthracite coal strike of 1902” (p 28-51); Report: “The great catastrophe at the Rolling Mill Mine, Johnstown, PA…” & map of a portion of Rolling Mill Mine (p 52-59); fold-out: abstract of bituminous report 1902 (p 72); Bituminous mine data, incl. production, employment, fatalities: 1893-1902 (p 80-89), 1892-1902 (p 90), & 1884-1902 (p 91); 1892-1902 data, 2nd anthracite district; Sketch of Little Redstone Mine, M.R.C.C. & C. Co., explosion site (p 362). |
(1903) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] Data: accidents & fatalities, 1881-1903 (p viii-ix), 1883-1903 (xlii-xliii), & 1892-1903 (p xliv) ; production & explosives used, 1892-1903 ( xlvii), employment, 1890-1903 (xlviii-xlix); production, 1890-1896 (p l), 1897-1903 (li), & 1890-1903 (p lii); fatal accidents, 1870-1903 (p liii); fold-out: Record of inspection as per Section 15 of Article 2, Anthracite Mine Law as amended June 8th, 1901 (p xix); Anthracite Mining laws (p 597-664). |
(1903) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] Various data on employment & fatalities - 1886-1903 (p vii) ; 1893-1903 (p xxix-xxx); 1899-1903 (p xxxi); 1890 – 1903 (p xxxii-iii); Production of coal & explosives used 1892-1903 (p xxxiv); Number of employees by district, 1890-1903 (p xxxv) and by county (p xxxvi); Production of coal by district, 1890 – 1903 (p xxxvii) and by counties, 1890 – 1903 (p xxxviii); fatal accidents, 1884-1903 (p xxxix); Production of coke by district, 1890 – 1903 (p xl) and by counties, 1890 – 1903 (p xli); Diagram: Plan of an ideal system of mining and ventilating (p 576); Bituminous mining laws (p 957-1017). |
Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (various, 1870-1904) | [Anthracite] Employees & fatalities, 1881-1904 (p xi); employment, fatalities, avg. days worked, avg. production, 1881 – 1904 (p xii); Drawing of Kohlbraker – Williams overwinding device (p xiii); Classification of employees killed or fatally injured, 1883-1904 (p xxv); fatal and non-fatal accidents, 1890-1904 (p xxviii-xxix); Production of coal, 1892 – 1904 (p xxx); Number of employees by district, 1890-1904 (p xxxi) and by county (p xxxii); Production of coal by district, 1890-1904 (p xxxiii-iv) and by county, 1890-1904 (p xxxv-xxxvi); Fatal accidents, 1870-1904 (p xxxvii); Section of Auchincloss main shaft (p 228); Map of mine workings in A vein and barrier pillar in all veins except “B” vein at the easterly line of the Richard Spark tract & map of mine workings and barrier pillar to be left in “B” vein at the easterly line of the Richard Spark tract (p 302); Diagrams: Cross section near line of proposed boundary pillar between Eckley and Hazlebrook collieries, Boundary pillar along landlines between Eckley & Hazlebrook collieries, Boundary pillar & line of exchange between Eckley & Hazlebrook collieries (p 304-305); Anthracite mining laws (p 495-552); General mining laws (p 553-561). |
(1904) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Bituminous] Drawing of Kohlbraker – Williams overwinding device (p iv); Employment & accident data, 1886-1904 (p xii); Map of Allegheny Coal Co’s Harwick Mine (p xxxiv); Production, explosives used, 1892-1904 (p lxix); employment by district, 1890-1904 (p lxx); employment by county, 1890-1904 (p lxxi); production by district, 1890-1904 (p lxxii-iii); production by county, 1890-1904 (p lxxiv-v); accidents, 1884-1904 (p lxxvi); production of coke by district, 1890-1904 (p lxxvii-iii); production of coke by county, 1890-1904 (p lxxix-xx); Diagram: Method of mining and shooting the coal before the explosion & method adopted since the explosion, Harwick mine (p 670-71); Bituminous mining laws (p 731-80); General mining laws (p 781-89). |
(1905) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] 1903 law regulating employment of minors (p. x-xxx); Summary of fatal accidents, 1870-1905 with data, 1881-1905 (p. xxxii-xxxvii); Table of analyses of Pennsylvania anthracite coal (p. xxxviii-ix); Historical notes of the anthracite industry, 1820-1905 (p. xl-xlii); Anthracite industry summary data by district, 1900-1905 (p. xliii); Fatality statistics: classification of employees 1877-1905, number and causes 1870-1905, nationalities, 1892-1905 (p. l-liv), per employees and tonnage (p. lviii); production and explosives used, 1892-1905 (p. lv); number of employees by county, 1895-1905 (p. lvi-lvii); Map of Cranberry and Harwood collieries showing encroachment from Harwood colliery and diagram “Section B through dam in Harwood encroachment” (p. 328-330); Map of Cranberry dams (p. 334). |
(1905) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] 1903 law regulating employment of minors (p. vii-ix); Methods of mining coal with data, 1902-1905 (p. x); Plan of the west workings of Eleanora shaft (p. xviii); Fatality statistics: 1886-1905 (p. xxvii), by employee classification, 1893-1905 (p. xxxix), number and causes, 1893-1905 (p. xl), by nationality, 1899-1905 (p. xli); Historical notes of the bituminous industry, 1679-1905 (p. xxvii-xxxi); Production and explosives used, 1892-1905 (p. xli); Number of employees by county, 1890-1905 (p. xlii); Production by counties, 1890-1905 (p. xliii); Production of coke by county, 1890-1905 (p. xlv); Fatal accidents per employee and tonnage, 1884-1905 (p. xlvii). |
Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (including photos and maps, 1870-1905) | [Anthracite] Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company, First Aid Corps (p. 7) including photographs of supplies & methods; Pennsylvania Coal Company and Hillside Coal and Iron Company, First Aid Corps (p. 11); Emergency hospitals (p. 13) with photographs; Anthracite production and number of employees for 1885, 1890, 1895, 1900, and 1905 (p. 39); Fatalities and employment statistics, 1881-1906 (p. 50-51); production and use of explosives, 1892-1906 (p. 64); Employment by county, 1885-1906 (p. 65-66); fatal accidents, 1870-1906 (p. 67); Report on dam between Cranberry and Harwood collieries with Map of Parlor vein workings, Map of Wharton vein workings, Map of Gamma vein workings, Map of Buck Mountain vein workings, “Section B through dam in Harwood encroachment” (p. 418). |
(1906) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company, First Aid Corps (p. 7) including photographs of supplies & methods; Pennsylvania Coal Company and Hillside Coal and Iron Company, First Aid Corps (p. 11); Emergency hospitals (p. 13) with photographs; Bituminous production and number of employees for 1885, 1890, 1895, 1900, and 1905 (p. 38); Number of mines, number of employees, and production by districts, Anthracite and Bituminous, 1906 (p. 39); Fatalities in the Anthracite and Bituminous regions (p. 40); Fatalities by coal company, 1902-1906 (p. 41-45); Fatalities by county, 1902 – 1906 (p. 49-54); Employment, fatalities, and production, 1886-1906 (p. 56); Fatality statistics, 1893-1906, by employee classification (p. 64), number and causes (p. 65), by nationality (p. 66); Production and explosives used, 1892 – 1906 (p. 66); Number of employees by county, 1890-1906 (p. 67); Production of coal by county, 1890-1906 (p. 68-69); Production of coke by county, 1890-1906 (p. 70-71); Fatal accidents, 1884-1906 (p. 72); Production of coal by pick mining, compressed air and electric power, 1902-1906 (p. 73); Sketch of the 29th Heading & Air Course of the Rolling Mill Coal Mine, explosion site (p. 370). |
(1907) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] Increase in production and number of employees between 1885 and 1907; Number of mines, number of employees and production by districts – Anthracite and Bituminous, 1907; Number of tons of coal produced per fatal accident inside of mine and number of persons killed per each 1,000 employees, by companies, 1902-1907; Causes of fatal accidents inside of mines, average production per accident, and percentage of employees killed by counties, 1902-1907; Comparison between Pennsylvania and foreign countries; Number of miners and miners’ laborers employed in the mines, number killed and ratio of each class killed per 1,000 employed, average number of days worked by breakers, average production per day worked by breakers, 1881-1907; Number of employees inside and outside of mines, number of fatal accidents, number of fatal accidents per 1,000 employees, number of tons of coal mined per fatal accident inside, 1881-1907; Number of tons of coal mined, number of days worked, number of persons employed, number killed and injured, quantity of powder and dynamite used, etc., by district, 1907, totals, 1900-1907; Classification of employees in each district; Classification of fatal accidents in and about the mines; Classification of non-fatal accidents in and about the mines; Number of gaseous and nongaseous mines in each district, production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines and percentage of production from each; Quantity of coal produced by each company that produced 500,000 or more tons, and the number of persons employed; Classification of employees killed or fatally injured, 1877-1907; Number and causes of fatal accidents, 1870-1907; Nationality of employees killed or fatally injured, 1892-1907; Production of coal in tons of 2,000 pounds, explosives used, 1892-1907; Number of employees by counties, 1885-1907; Production of coal by counties, 1885-1907; Fatal accidents for each 1,000 employees, and tons of coal mined for each fatal accident, 1870-1907. See index for page numbers. |
(1907) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Google) (1907) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Scranton) | [Bituminous] Fund for the relief and support of widows and orphans and for disabled employees, with summary of contributions for first 14 years; Commission to revise the bituminous mine laws; Duties of inspectors; Watering mines; Mining in the solid in the Connellsville region; Coal production in Pennsylvania; Increase in production and number of employees between 1885 and 1907; Number of mines, number of employees, and production by districts, anthracite and bituminous, 1907; Naomi mine disaster; Map of Naomi mine (p. xvi); Darr mine disaster; Map of Darr mine (p. xx); Explosions of gas and dust and how to prevent them; Lives lost by falls of coal, slate and roof; Nationality of employees killed by falls, bituminous region, 1907; Responsibility for accidents; Opinions of operators regarding accidents; Comparison between Pennsylvania and foreign countries: Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, Austria - production, employees, lives lost (year varies); lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1877-1906 (PA, Great Britain, US, Belgium); Accidents by counties and districts, 1907; Number of tons of coal produced per fatal accident inside, and number of persons killed per each 1000 employed, by companies, 1902-1907; Accidents by counties; Number of employees inside and outside the mines, 1886-1907; Tons of coal mined, tons of coke produced, days worked, persons employed, killed and injured, quantity of powder and dynamite used, etc.; Classification of employees in each district; Classification of fatal accidents in each district; Classification of non-fatal accidents in each district; Number of gaseous and non-gaseous mines in each district, and production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines; Quantity of coal produced by each company that produced 500,000 or more tons; Classification of employees killed or fatally injured, 1893-1907; Classification of fatal accidents, 1877-1907; Nationality of employees killed or fatally injured, 1899-1907; Production of coal in tons of 2,000 pounds, explosives used, etc., 1892-1907; Number of employees, by counties, 1890-1907; Production of coal, by counties, 1890-1907; Production of coke, by counties, 1890-1907; Fatal accidents, 1877-1907; Mines using mining machines, and production by machines in each district; Production of coal by pick mining, compressed air and electrical machines, 1901-1907. See index for page numbers (unless noted above). |
(1908) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] Chronology of anthracite coal industry; Number of mines, number of employees inside and outside, and production by districts – anthracite and bituminous, 1908; Accidents, 1899-1908; Number of tons of coal produced per fatal accident inside of mines and number of persons killed per each 1,000 employees, by companies, 1902-1908; Nationality of employees killed by falls, 1908; Accidents by counties and districts, 1908; Causes of fatal accidents inside of mines, average production per accident, and percentage of employees killed by counties, 1902-1908; Number of miners and miners laborers employed in the mines; number killed and ratio of each class killed per 1,000 employed; average number of days worked by breakers; average production per day worked by breakers, 1881-1908; Number of employees inside and outside of mines; number of fatal accidents; number of fatal accidents per 1,000 employees; number of tons of coal mined per fatal accident inside, 1881-1908; Tons of coal mined, days worked, persons employed, killed and injured, quantity of powder and dynamite used, etc; Classification of employees in each district; Classification of fatal accidents in and about the mines, and number attributable to each cause; number of wives made widows and children orphaned by reason of such accidents; Classification of fatal accidents in and about the mines; Classification of non-fatal accidents in and about the mines; Number of gaseous and non-gaseous mines in each district, production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines and percentage of production from each; Quantity of coal produced by each company that produced 500,000 or more tons, and the number of persons employed; Classification of employees killed or fatally injured, 1877-1908; Number and causes of fatal accidents, 1870-1908; Nationality of employees killed or fatally injured, 1892-1908; Production of coal in tons of 2,000 pounds, explosives used, etc., 1892-1908; Number of employees by counties, 1885-1908; Production of coal by counties, 1885-1908; Fatal accidents for each 1,000 employees, and tons of coal mined for each fatal accident, 1870-1908. See index for page numbers. |
(1908) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] Map of Marianna Mine, Pittsburg-Buffalo Co. (explosion site, p. 10); Number of mines, number of employees and production by districts, anthracite and bituminous, 1908; Nationality of employees killed by falls, 1908; Fatal accidents by counties and districts, 1908; Number of tons of coal produced per fatal accident inside, and number of persons killed per each 1,000 employed, by companies, 1902-1908; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines, and percentage of employees killed, by counties, 1888-1908; Number of employees inside and outside the mines, 1886-1908; Tons of coal mined, tons of coke produced, days worked, persons employed, killed and injured, quantity of powder and dynamite used, etc.; Classification of employees in each district; Classification of fatal accidents in each district; Classification of non-fatal accidents in each district; Number of gaseous and non-gaseous mines in each district and production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines; Quantity of coal produced by each company that produced 500,000 or more tons; Classification of employees killed or fatally injured, 1893-1908; Classification of fatal accidents, 1877-1908; Mines using mining machines, and production by machines in each district; Production of coal by pick mining, compressed air and electrical machines, 1901-1908. See index for page numbers. |
(1909) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] Coal production in Pennsylvania; Number of minor children killed inside and outside the mines, 1909; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines; lives lost per 1,000 employed; lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1909; Nationality by birth of employees killed by falls, 1909; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines, by districts, 1909; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines, lives lost per 1,000 employed; lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1899-1909; Number of mines in operation; production per life lost inside; number of lives lost inside per 1,000,000 tons produced, in each district, 1909; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines and production per accident, by counties, 1900-1909; Number of miners and miners’ laborers employed in the mines; number killed and ratio of each class killed per 1,000 employed; average number of days worked by breakers; average production per day worked by breakers, 1881-1909; Number of employees inside and outside the mines; number of fatal accidents per 1,000 employees; number of tons of coal mined per fatal accident inside, 1881-1909; Comparison of production and fatal accidents, of certain companies, 1908-1909; Companies that had no fatal accidents in 1908 or 1909; Tons of coal mined, days worked, persons employed, killed and injured, quantity of explosives, used, 1909; Number of boilers and locomotives in use, by district, 1909; Classification of employees in each district, 1909; Classification of fatal accidents in each district, number of wives made widows and number of children made orphans, 1909; Classification of non-fatal accidents in each district, 1909; Number of gaseous and non-gaseous mines in operation in each district; number of foremen, assistants and fire bosses; production and percentage of production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines, 1909; Quantity of coal produced by each company that produced 500,000 or more tons, 1909; Classification of employees killed or fatally injured, 1877-1909; Classification of fatal accidents, by decades, 1870-1909; Nationality by birth of employees killed or fatally injured, 1892-1909; Production of coal in tons of 2,000 pounds, explosives used, etc. 1892-1909; Number of employees, by counties, 1885-1909; Production of coal, by counties, 1885-1909; Fatal accidents, 1870-1909; Map showing location of fatal accidents,“Part of Old Forge Borough,” Lackawanna County (p. 200); Lehigh Coal & Navigation Company: Map showing fire barrier at Summit Hill, March 31, 1909 & Cross section through fire barrier at Summit Hill showing location and depths of shafts April 23, 1909 & Section through fire barrier showing condition of work July 3, 1909 (p. 520). |
(1909) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] Coal production in Pennsylvania; Number and names of safety lamps in use; Sketches showing method of ventilating and driving rooms – four entry system and five entry system (p. xvi); Map of Orenda mine No. 2, explosion site (p. xxx); Map of Eureka mine No. 37, explosion site (p. xxxvi); Map of Mine No. 4, Lackawanna Coal & Coke Company, explosion site (p. xxxviii); Map of Franklin Mine No. 2, Cambria Steel Company, explosion site (p. xliv); Number of minor children killed inside and outside the mines, 1909; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines; lives lost per 1000 employed; lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1909; Nationality by birth of employees killed by falls, 1909; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines, by districts, 1909; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines; lives lost per 1,000 employed; lives lost per 1,000.000 tons produced, 1899-1909; Number of mines in operation; production per life lost inside; number of lives lost inside per 1,000,000 tons produced in each district, 1909; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines and production per accident, by counties, 1888-1909; Number of employees inside and outside the mines, number of fatal accidents per 1,000 employees, number of tons of coal mined per fatal accident, 1890-1909; Comparison of production and fatal accidents of certain companies, 1908-1909; Tons of coal mined, tons of coke produced, days worked, persons employed, killed and injured, quantity of explosives used, 1909; Number of boilers and locomotives in use, etc., 1909; Classification of employees in each district, 1909; Classification of fatal accidents in each district, number of wives made widows and number of children made orphans, 1909; Classification of non-fatal accidents in each district, 1909; Number of gaseous and non-gaseous mines in operation in each district; number of foremen, assistants and fire bosses; production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines, 1909; Quantity of coal produced by each company that produced 500,000 or more tons, 1909; Quantity of coal produced by each company that produced 500,000 or more tons, 1909; Classification of employees killed or fatally injured, 1900-1909; Classification of fatal accidents, 1877-1909; Nationality by birth of employees killed or fatally injured, 1899-1909; Production of coal in tons of 2,000 pounds, explosives used, etc. 1892-1909; Number of employees, by counties, 188-1909; Production of coal, by counties, 1881-1909; Production of coke, by counties, 1889-1909; Fatal accidents, 1877-1909; Mines using mining machines, and production by machines in each district, 1909; Production of coal by pick mining, compressed air and electric power, 1901-1909; See index for page numbers. |
(1910) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] Coal production in Pennsylvania; Accidents in the anthracite mines, 1870-1910; Causes and location of fatal accidents by districts, 1910; Number of minor children killed inside and outside the mines, 1910; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines; lives lost per 1,000 employed; lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1910; Nationality by birth of employees killed by falls, 1910; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines, by districts, 1910; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines; lives lost per 1,000 employed; lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1899-1910; Number of mines in operation; production per life lost inside; number of lives lost inside per 1,000,000 tons produced in each district, 1910; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines and production per accident, by counties, 1899-1910, miners and miners’ laborers employed in the mines; number killed and ratio of each class killed per 1,000 employed; average number of days worked by breakers, average production per day worked by breakers, 1881-1910; Number of employees inside and outside the mines; number of fatal accidents per 1,000 employees; number of tons of coal mined per fatal accident, 1881-1910; Comparison of production and fatal accidents, of certain companies, 1908-1910; Companies that had no fatal accidents, 1908-1910; Average number of days worked by breakers; total production and average production per day, 1899-1910; Tons of coal mined, days worked, persons employed, killed and injured, quantity of explosives used, 1910; Number of boilers and locomotives in use, 1910; Classification of employees in each district, 1910; Classification of fatal accidents in each district, number of wives made widows; and number of children made orphans, 1910; Classification of non-fatal accidents in each district, 1910; Number of gaseous and non-gaseous mines in operation in each district; number of foremen, assistants and fire bosses, production and percentage of production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines and washeries, 1910; Quantity of coal produced by each company that produced 300,000 or more tons, 1910; Classification of employees killed or fatally injured, 1899-1910; Classification of fatal accidents by decades, 1870-1910; Nationality by birth of employees killed or fatally injured, 1892-1910; Number of employees, by counties, 1899-1910; Production of coal, by counties, 1899-1910; Fatal accidents, 1870-1910; Plan showing location of accident in No. 6 slope, Nottingham No. 15 colliery, Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Co. (p. 304); See index for page numbers unless noted. |
(1910) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] Accidents, 1899-1910, (text summary); Fatal accidents in mines of North America compared with fatal accidents in Pennsylvania bituminous mines for twenty years, 1889-1908 (p. 10); Fatal accidents in mines of North America compared with fatal accidents in Pennsylvania bituminous mines for ten years, 1897-1906 (p. 10); Comparison between the United States and several states (Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Illinois, Ohio) (p. 11); Fatal accident rate per 1,000 employees and number of lives lost per million tons of coal mined in North America, by states and provinces, 1870-1908 (p. 12); Comparison of fatalities in mines of Pennsylvania (bituminous) and Great Britain, 1908-1910 (p. 13); Causes of accidents; Causes and location of fatal accidents by districts, 1910; Production and accidents; Companies that had no fatal accidents, 1900-1910, inclusive (p. 20); Companies that had no fatal accidents, 1901-1910, inclusive (p. 21); Companies that had no fatal accidents, 1903-1910, inclusive (p. 21); Companies that had no fatal accidents, 1899-1910, inclusive (p. 22); Map of Ernst No. 2 mine, explosion site, Jefferson & Clearfield Coal & Iron Company (p. 24); Coal production, by district (p. 27); Coal briquetting (p. 33); Permissible explosives tested prior to January 1, 1911 and precautions (p. 34-42); Number and names of safety lamps in use, 1910; Number of minor children killed inside and outside the mines, 1910; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines, production, lives lost per 1,000 employees, lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1910; Nationality by birth of employees killed by falls, 1910 (by type of accident, per district); Nationality by birth of employees killed by falls, 1910 (by country of origin, per district); Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines by districts, 1910; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines, lives lost per 1,000 employees, lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1899-1910; Number of mines in operation, production per life lost inside, number of lives lost inside per 1,000,000 tons produced, in each district, 1910; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines and production per accident, by counties, 1888-1910; Comparison of production and fatal accidents of certain companies, 1908-1910; Tons of coal mined, tons of coke produced, days worked, persons employed, killed and injured, quantity of explosives used, 1910; Number of boilers and locomotives in use, etc., 1910; Classification of employees in each district, 1910; Classification of fatal accidents in each district, number of wives made widows and number of children made orphans, 1910; Classification of non-fatal accidents in each district, 1910; Number of gaseous and non-gaseous mines in operation in each district; number of mine foremen, assistants and fire bosses; production and percentage of production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines, 1910; Quantity of coal produced by each company that produced 300,000 or more tons, 1910; Classification of employees killed or fatally injured, 1899-1910; Classification of fatal accidents, 1877-1910; Nationality by birth of employees killed or fatally injured, 1899-1910; Production of coal in tons of 2,000 pounds, explosives used, etc. 1892-1910; Number of employees, by counties, 1881-1910; Production of coal, by counties, 1881-1910; Production of coke, by counties, 1880-1910; Fatal accidents, 1877-1910; Mines using mining machines and production by machines in each district, 1910; Production of coal by pick mining, compressed air and electric power, 1901-1910. |
(1911) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania(Anthracite) | [Anthracite] Coal production in Pennsylvania, 1911, by district; Drawing: Profile on Line of Tunnel & Map of Pancoast mine, site of mine fire (p.22); Causes and location of fatal accidents by districts, 1911; Number of minor children killed inside and outside the mines, 1911; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines, lives lost per 1,000 employed, lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1911; Nationality by birth of employees killed by falls, 1911; Causes of fatal accidents inside & outside the mines, employees, lives lost per 1,000 employed, in the northern, middle, and southern coal fields, 1911 – Part 1 & 2; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines, lives lost per 1,000 employed, lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1899-1911; Number of mines in operation, production per life lost inside, number of lives lost inside per 1,000,000 tons produced in each district, 1911; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines and production per accident, by counties, 1899-1911; Number of miners and miners’ laborers employed in the mines, number killed and ratio of each class killed per 1,000 employed, average number of days worked by breakers, average production per day worked by breakers, 1881-1911; Number of employees inside and outside the mines, number of fatal accidents per 1,000 employed, number of tons of coal mined per fatal accident, 1881-1911; Comparison of production and fatal accidents of certain companies, 1908-1911; Companies that had no fatal accidents, 1908-1911; Average number of days worked by breakers, total production and average production per day, 1899-1911; Tons of coal mined, days worked, persons employed, killed and injured, quantity of explosives used, 1911; Number of boilers and locomotives in use, 1911; Classification of employees by districts, 1911; Classification of fatal accidents by districts, number of wives made widows and number of children made orphans, 1911; Classification of non-fatal accidents by districts, 1911; Number of gaseous and non-gaseous mines in operation, number of foremen, assistants and fire bosses, production and percentage of production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines and washeries, 1911; Quantity of coal produced by each company that produced 300,000 or more tons, 1911; Classification of employees killed or fatally injured, 1899-1911; Classification of fatal accidents by decades, 1870-1911; Nationality by birth of employees killed or fatally injured, 1892-1911; Number of employees by counties, 1899-1911; Production of coal by counties, 1899-1911; Fatal accidents, 1870-1911; Diagram of double inlet exhaust reversible fan (p. 368). |
(1911) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] Coal production, 1911; Number and names of safety lamps in use, 1911; Coal mine mortality statistics by Frederick L. Hoffman; Fatal accidents in bituminous mines, 1903-1911; Comparative table of accidents, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Illinois, and Ohio; Comparative table of accidents, Pennsylvania-Great Britain; Causes and location of fatal accidents; Production and accidents – Tables of honor (Companies that had no fatal accidents) ; Accident Tables: Number of minor children killed inside and outside the mines, 1911; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines, production, lives lost per 1,000 employees, lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1911; Nationality by birth of employees killed by falls, 1911 (Tables 3-4); Number and causes of fatal accidents inside and outside the mines, 1911; Number and causes of fatal accidents inside the mines, lives lost per 1,000 employees, lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1899-1911; Number of mines in operation, production per life lost inside, number of lives lost inside per 1,000,000 tons produced, in each district, 1911; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines and production per accident, by counties, 1888-1911; Number of employees inside and outside the mines, number of fatal accidents per 1,000 employees, number of tons of coal mined per fatal accident, 1899-1911; Production and fatal accidents, 1908-1911, by companies; Tons of coal mined, tons of coke produced, days worked, persons employed, killed and injured, quantity of explosives used, 1911, Number of boilers and locomotives in used, etc. 1911; Classification (number of each class) of employees in each district; Classification (causes) of fatal accidents in each district, number of wives made widows and number of children made orphans, 1911; Classification (causes) of non-fatal accidents in each district, 1911; Number of gaseous and non-gaseous mines in operation in each district; number of mine foremen, assistants and fire bosses; production and percentage of production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines, 1911; Quantity of coal produced by each company that produced 300,000 or more tons, 1911; Classification of employees killed or fatally injured, 1899-1911; Classification of fatal accidents, 1877-1911; Nationality by birth of employees killed or fatally injured 1899-1911; Production of coal in tons of 2,000 pounds, explosives used, etc. 1897-1911; Number of employees, by counties, 1881-1911; Production of coal, by counties, 1881-1911; Production of coke, by counties, 1880-1911; Fatal accidents, 1877-1911; Mines using mining machines, and production by machines in each district, 1911; Production of coal by pick mining, compressed air and electric power, 1901-1911. The titles and locations within the text for all maps are as follows: Mine map of shaft workings to conform with rule 14, article XI AOT of June 9, 1911 (between pgs. x and xi); Sykesville mine (between pgs. xl and xli); Map of Adrian no. 1 mine (between pgs. xlvi and xlvii); Method of casing gas wells through worked out coal seams (between pgs. 808 and 809) |
(1912) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Google) (1912) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Scranton) | [Anthracite] Coal production in Pennsylvania, 1912; Report: Aids to education in the coal regions, with photographs: “Knocking out a prop with a hammer”, “Props knocked out by a shot”, “Working under bad rock”, “Miner neglecting orders”, “Driver sliding foot on rail”, “Motor starting down grade without sand”, “Doorboy trying to get on a motor”, “Shortening a squib”, “Firing two holes”, “Forcing cartridge into a small hole”, “Preparing a cartridge”, “Putting in a new cotton”, “Miner carrying a drill on his shoulder”, Naked lamp in a gassy chamber” (p. 10-13); Photographs: Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company electric miner’s lamp charging station at Indiana Ridge Colliery; Hirsch, Edison, and Witherbee electric lamps (p. 14); Photographs: R. and B. charging station; Ceag portable electric lamp complete; Miners equipped with Edison electric lamp; R. and B. electric cap lamp (p. 16); Report: The Anthracite coal trust decision (p. 20); Causes and location of fatal accidents by districts, 1912; Causes and location of fatal accidents, 1910-1912; Comparative table of accidents, Pennsylvania-United States, 1899-1912; Accident Tables: Number of minor children killed inside and outside the mines, 1912; Causes of fatal accidents inside the miens, lives lost per 1,000 employees, lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1912; Nationality by birth of employees killed by falls, 1912; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines, employees and lives lost per 1,000 employees, by counties, 1912; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines, lives lost per 1,000 employees, lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1899-1912; Number of mines in operation, production per life lost inside, number of lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced in each district, 1912; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines and production per accident, by counties, 1899-1912; Number of miners and miners’ laborers employed in the mines, number killed and ratio of each class killed per 1,000 employed, average number of days worked by breakers, average production per day worked by breakers, 1881-1912; Number of employees inside and outside the mines, number of fatal accidents per 1,000 employees, number of tons of coal mined per fatal accident, 1881-1912; Comparison of production and fatal accidents of certain companies, 1908-1912; Companies that had no fatal accidents, 1908-1912; Average number of days worked by breakers, total production and average production per day, 1899-1912; Tons of coal mined, days worked, persons employed, killed and injured, quantity of explosives used, 1912; Number of boilers and locomotives in use, 1912; Classification of employees by districts, 1912; Classification of fatal accidents by districts, number of wives made widows and number of children made orphans, 1912; Classification of non-fatal accidents by districts, 1912; Number of gaseous and non-gaseous mines in operation, number of foremen, assistants and fire bosses, production and percentage of production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines and washeries, 1912; Quantity of coal produced by each company that produced 300,000 or more tons, 1912; Classification of employees killed or fatally injured, 1899-1912; Classification of fatal accidents by decades, 1870-1912; Nationality by birth of employees killed or fatally injured, 1892-1912; Classification of fatal accidents by decades, 1870-1912; Nationality by birth of employees killed or fatally injured, 1892-1912; Production of coal in tons of 2,000 pounds, explosives used, etc. 1892-1912; Number of employees, by counties, 1899-1912; Production of coal, by counties, 1899-1912; Fatal accidents, 1870-1912; Plan showing location of explosion, No. 9 slope, Parrish colliery (p. 358). |
(1912) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Bituminous] Coal production [average number days worked; Production; Average production per day; Estimated production for 280 days]; Photographs (p.10): Electric miner’s lamp charging station at Indian Ridge colliery; Hirsch electric lamp, Edison electric lamp, and Witherbee electric lamp; Miners equipped with Edison electric lamp; R. and B. electric cap lamp; R. and B. charging station; Ceag portable electric lamp complete; Plan showing concrete walls & dams for flood protection at Lemont mine #1 (p. 18); Number and names of safety lamps in use, 1912; Fatal accidents in and about bituminous mines, 1902-1912; Comparative table of accidents, United States, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Illinois and Ohio, 1907-1912; Comparative table of accidents, Pennsylvania – United States, 1899-1912; Comparative table of accidents, Pennsylvania – Great Britain, 1908-1911; Causes and location of fatal accidents inside (?); Production and accidents – Tables of honor: Companies that had no fatal accidents 1900-1912, Companies that had no fatal accidents 1901-1912, Companies that had no fatal accidents 1903-1912, and Companies that had no fatal accidents 1912; Companies that produced over 300,000 tons for each life lost inside, 1912; Accident tables: Number of minor children killed inside and outside the mines, 1912; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines, production, lives lost per 1,000 employees, lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1912; Nationality by birth of employees killed by falls, 1912; Number and causes of fatal accidents inside and outside the mines, 1912; Number and causes of fatal accidents inside the mines, lives lost per 1,000 employees, lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1899-1912; Number and causes of fatal accidents inside the mines, lives lost per 1,000 employees, lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1899-1912; Number of mines in operation, production per life lost inside, number of lives lost inside per 1,000,000 tons produced, in ach district, 1912; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines and production per accident, by counties, 1888-1912; Number of employees inside and outside the mines, number of fatal accidents per 1,000 employees, number of tons of coal mined per fatal accident, 1899-1912; Production and fatal accidents, 1908-1912, by companies; Number of employees inside between 16 and 21 years and number of employees outside between 14 and 21 years, 1912; Nationality of employees; Tons of coal mined, tons of coke produced, days worked, persons employed, killed and injured, quantity of explosives used, 1912; Number of boilers and locomotives in use, etc. 1912; Classification of employees in each district, 1912; Classification of fatal accidents in each district, number of wives made widows and number of children made orphans, 1912; Classification of non-fatal accidents in each district, 1912; Number of gaseous and non-gaseous mines in operation in each district; number of mine foremen, assistants and fire bosses; production and percentage of production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines, 1912; Quantity of coal produced by each company that produced 300,000 or more tons , 1912; Classification of employees killed or fatally injured, 1899-1912; Classification of fatal accidents, 1877-1912; Nationality by birth of employees killed or fatally injured, 1899-1912; Production of coal in tons of 2,000 pounds, explosives used, etc. 1899-1912; Number of employees, by counties, 1881-1912; Production of coal, by counties, 1881-1912; Production of coke, by counties, 1880-1912; Fatal accidents, 1877-1912; Methods of mining coal; Production of coal by pick mining, compressed air and electric power, 1899-1912; Mines using mining machines, and production by machines in each district, 1912. |
(1913) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] Report on anthracite dust inflammability tests, incl. tables: Ignition by blownout shots of black powder; Ignition by blownout shots of dynamite; Ignition of gaseous mixtures by electric igniters; Ignition of gaseous mixtures by blownout shots; Ignition by blownout shots (p. 11-15); Safety or flameless explosives known as permissible explosives (p. 16); Barrier pillars for anthracite mines (p. 17); Causes and location of fatal accidents, by districts, 1913 (p. 37); Causes of accidents, 1910-1913 (p. 38); Comparative table of accidents, 1899-1913 (p. 39); Table showing companies that had fatal accidents inside or outside their mines; causes of accidents, fatalities per 1,000 employees and per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1913 (p. 40); Number of employees inside between 16 and 21 years, and number of employees outside between 14 and 21 years, 1913; Number of minor children killed inside and outside the mines, 1913 (p. 42); Fatal accidents inside the mines, production, employees, fatalities per 1,000 employees, production per fatality, fatalities per 1,000,000 tons produced, by counties, 1913 (p. 43); Nationality by birth of employees killed by falls, 1913. (p.44); Fatal accidents, production, employees, fatalities inside per 1,000 employees, fatalities inside per 1,000,000 tons produced, by counties and districts, 1913 (p. 46); Fatal accidents, production, employees, fatalities inside per 1,000 employees, fatalities inside per 1,000,000 tons produced, by years, 1899-1913 (p. 47); Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines and production per accident, by counties, 1899-1913 (p. 49); Number of miners and miners’ laborers employed in the mines, number killed and ratio of each class killed per 1,000 employed, average number of days worked by breakers, average production per day worked by breakers, 1881-1913 (p. 52); Number of employees inside and outside the mines, number of fatal accidents per 1,000 employees, number of tons of coal mined per fatal accident, 1881-1913 (p. 53); Comparison of production and fatal accidents of certain companies, 1909-1913 (p. 54); Companies that had no fatal accidents, 1909-1913 (p. 57); Average number of days worked by breakers, total production and average production per day, 1899-1913 (p. 57); Tons of coal mined, days worked, persons employed, killed and injured, quantity of explosives used, 1899-1913 (p. 58); Number of boilers and locomotives in use, 1913 (p. 60); Classification of employees by districts, 1913 (p. 61); Classification of fatal accidents by districts, number of wives made widows and number of children made orphans, 1913 (p. 63); Classification of non-fatal accidents by districts, 1913 (p. 65); Number of gaseous and non-gaseous mines in operation, number of foremen, assistants and fire bosses, production and percentage of production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines and washeries, by districts, 1913 (p. 66); Quantity of coal produced by each company that produced 300,000 or more tons, and number of persons employed, 1913 (p. 67); Classification of employees killed or fatally injured, 1899-1913 (p. 69); Classification of fatal accidents by decades, 1870-1913 (p. 70); Nationality by birth of employees killed or fatally injured, 1892-1913 (p. 71); Production of coal in tons of 2,000 pounds, explosives used, etc. 1892-1913 (p. 72); Number of employees by counties, 1899-1913 (p. 73); Production of coal by counties, 1899-1913 (p. 74); Fatal accidents, 1870-1913 (p. 75); Map: East Brookside colliery, Map showing location of accident Aug 2nd, 1913 (p. 564). |
(1913) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] Fold-out: Sign to direct employees to mine exits (p. 7); Map of Cincinnati mine, Monongahela River Consolidated Coal and Coke Company, explosion site (p. 13); Approved safety lamps in use, by district, 1913 (p. 26); Table of accidents, 1901-1913 (p. 28); Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines, 1901-1913 (p. 29); Comparative table of accidents – United States, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Illinois, Ohio, 1907-1913 (p. 30-31); Comparative table of accidents, Pennsylvania – United States, 1899-1913 (p. 32-34); Causes and location of fatal accidents, by districts, 1913 (p. 38-39); Tables of honor: Companies that had no fatal accidents, 1900-1913; Companies that had no fatal accidents, 1901-1913; Companies that had no fatal accidents, 1903-1913; Companies that had no fatal accidents, 1913 (p. 40-41); Companies that produced 300,000 tons or over for each fatal accident inside, 1913 (p. 42-43); All companies that had fatal accidents inside or outside their mines, causes of accidents, fatalities per 1,000 employees and per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1913 (p. 44-47); Accident tables: Number of minor children killed inside or outside the mines, by districts, 1913 (p. 48); Number and causes of fatal accidents inside the mines, production, employees, fatal accidents per 1,000 employees, production per fatal accident, fatal accidents per 1,000,000 tons produced, by counties, 1913 (p. 49-50); Nationality by birth of employees killed by falls, and location of accidents, by districts, 1913 (p. 51); Nationality by birth of employees killed by falls, by districts, 1913 (p. 52); Number and causes of fatal accidents inside the mines and number of fatal accidents outside, by districts, 1913 (p. 53); Number and causes of fatal accidents inside the mines and number of fatal accidents outside, by years, 1899-1913 (p. 54); Mines in operation, production, employees, fatal accidents, fatalities inside per 1,000 employees, production per fatality, fatalities per 1,000,000 tons, by districts, 1913 (p. 55); Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines and production per accident by counties, 1888-1913 (p. 56); Number of employees inside and outside the mines, number of fatal accidents per 1,000 employees, 1899-1913 (p. 56); Fatal accidents inside the mines, employees, production in net tons, fatalities per 1,000 employees, production per fatality, fatalities per 1,000,000 tons, by companies, 1909-1913 (p. 57-59); Number of employees inside between 16 and 21 years, and number of employees outside between 14 and 21 years, by districts, 1913 (p. 60); Production of coal and coke, number of days worked, number of employees, number of fatal and non-fatal accidents, quantity of explosives used, etc., by districts, 1913, and totals for 1899-1912 (p. 61); Number of boilers and locomotives in use, 1913 (p. 63); Number of each class of employees inside and outside, by districts, 1913 (p. 64); Causes of fatal accidents inside and outside the mines and number attributable to each cause; number of widows and orphans caused by accidents, by districts, 1913 (p. 66); Causes of non-fatal accidents inside and outside the mines and number attributable to each cause, by districts, 1913 (p. 67); Number of gaseous and non-gaseous mines in operation, number of mine foremen, assistant mine foremen and firebosses in gaseous mines, and number and percentage of production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines, by districts, 1913; Companies that produced 300,000 or more tons of coal and the number of persons employed inside and outside, 1913 (p. 69); Classification of employees killed or fatally injured inside and outside the mines, 1899-1913 (p. 72); Number and causes of fatal accidents and the percentages inside and outside the mines by decades, 1877-1913 (p. 73); Nationality by birth of employees killed or fatally injured inside and outside the mines, 1899-1913 (p. 74); Production of coal, production per employee inside, quantity of explosives used, production for each pound of explosives used, 1899-1913 (p. 75); Number of employees inside and outside the mines, by counties, 1881-1913 (p. 75); Production of coal by counties, by decades, 1881-1913 (p. 76); Production of coke by counties, by decades, 1880-1913 (p. 76); Fatal accidents per 1,000 employees inside and outside the mines and production per fatal accident, by decades, 1877-1913 (p. 77); Production of coal in net tons, by pick mining, compressed air and electric power, 1899-1913 (p. 78); Mines using mining machines, number of machines and motive power used to operate them, production by machines and pick mining, by districts, 1913 (p. 79). Page numbers as noted in index. |
(1914) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] Cage accidents in shafts; Accidents in shafts, 1870-1914; Causes and location of fatal accidents, by districts, 1914; Causes and location of fatal accidents inside, 1910-1914; Comparative table of accidents, United States – Pennsylvania, 1899-1914; Table showing companies that had fatal accidents inside or outside their mines; causes of accidents, fatalities per 1,000 employees and per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1914; Table showing number of employees inside between 16 and 21 years, and number of employees outside between 14 and 21 years, 1914; Nationality of inside employees, by districts, 1914; Nationality of outside employees, by districts, 1914; Number of minor children killed inside and outside the mines, 1914; Fatal accidents inside the mines, production, employees, fatalities per 1,000 employees, production per fatality, fatalities per 1,000,000 tons produced, by counties, 1914; Nationality by birth of employees killed by falls, 1914; Nationality by birth of employees killed by falls, 1914; Fatal accidents, production, employees, fatalities inside per 1,000 employees, fatalities inside per 1,000,000 tons produced, by counties and districts, 1914; Fatal accidents, production, employees, fatalities per 1,000 employees, fatalities per 1,000,000 tons produced, by years 1899-1914; Mines in operation, production, inside employees, fatal accidents inside, production per fatality inside, fatalities inside per 1,000,000 tons produced, by districts, 1914; Fatal accidents inside the mines and production per accident, by counties, 1899-1914; Miners and miners’ laborers employed in the mines; number of fatal accidents per 1,000 employees, average number of days worked by breakers, average production per day, 1882-1914; Employees inside and outside the mines, number of fatal accidents per 1,000 employees, production per fatality, 1881-1914; Comparison of production and fatal accidents inside 1910-1914; Companies that had no fatal accidents, 1910-1914; Average number of days worked by breakers, total production and average production per day, 1899-1914; Number of net tons of coal mines, number of days worked, number of persons employed, number of fatal and non-fatal accidents, quantity of explosives used, etc. 1899-1914; Number of boilers and locomotives in use; Classification of employees by districts, 1914; Classification of fatal accidents by districts, number of wives made widows and number of children made orphans, 1914; Classification of non-fatal accidents by districts, 1914; Number of gaseous and non-gaseous mines in operation, number of foremen, assistants and fire bosses, production and percentage of production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines and washeries, by districts, 1914; Quantity of coal produced by each company that produced 300,000 or more tons, and number of persons employed, 1914; Classification of employees killed or fatally injured, 1899-1914; Classification of fatal accidents by decades, 1870-1914; Nationality by birth of employees killed or fatally injured, 1892-1914; Production of coal in tons of 2,000 pounds explosives used, etc., 1892-1914; Number of employees by counties, 1899-1914; Production of coal by counties, 1899-1914; Fatal accidents, 1870-1914; Page numbers as noted in index. |
(1914) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] List of permissible explosives (p. 15-18); Map of experimental mine showing arrangement of dust zones and barriers; Number and names of safety lamps in use, 1914; Nationality of employees by districts, 1914; Fatal accidents inside and outside the mines, 1900-1914; Causes of fatal accidents inside, 1900-1914; Comparative table of accidents, United States, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Illinois and Ohio, 1907-1914; Comparative table of accidents, Pennsylvania – United States, 1899-1914; Causes and location of fatal accidents inside; Production and accidents – Tables of honor; Companies that produced over 300,000 tons for each life lost inside, 1914; All companies having fatal accidents inside or outside, causes of accidents, fatalities per 1,000 employees and per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1914; Accident tables: Number of minor children killed inside and outside the mines, 1914; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines, production, lives lost per 1,000 employees, lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced, by counties, 1914; Nationality by birth of employees killed by falls, 1914; Number and causes of fatal accidents inside and outside the mines, 1914; Number and causes of fatal accidents inside, number of fatal accidents outside, employees, production, lives lost per 1,000 employees, lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1899-1914; Number of mines in operation, production per life lost inside, number of lives lost inside per 1,000,000 tons produced in each district, 1914; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines and production per accident, 1888-1914; Number of employees inside and outside the mines, number of fatal accidents per 1,000 employees, 1899-1914; Production and fatal accidents 1909-1914, by companies; Number of employees inside between 16 and 21 years and number of employees outside between 14 and 21 years, 1914; Tons of coal mined, tons of coke produced, days worked, persons employed, killed and injured, quantity of explosives used, 1914 – Number of boilers and locomotives in use, etc., 1914 – Classification of employees in each district, 1914 – Classification of fatal accidents in each district, number of wives made widows and number of children made orphans, 1914; Classification of non-fatal accidents in each district, 1914; Number of gaseous and non-gaseous mines in operation in each district, number of mine foremen, assistants and fire bosses; production and percentage of production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines, 1914; Quantity of coal produced by each company that produced 300,000 or more tons, 1914; Classification of employees killed or fatally injured, 1899-1914; Classification of fatal accidents, 1877-1914; Nationality by birth of employees killed or fatally injured, 1899-1914; Production of coal in tons of 2,000 pounds, explosives used, etc., 1899-1914; Number of employees by counties, 1881-1914; Production of coal by counties, 1881-1914; Production of coke by counties, 1880-1914; Fatal accidents, 1877-1914; Production of coal by pick mining, compressed air and electric power, 1899-1914; Mines using mining machines, and production by machines in each district, 1914. Page numbers as noted in index. |
(1915) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] Historical review of the use of electricity in the mining and preparation of anthracite coal in the State of Pennsylvania (p. 7-17) [p. 7-8, online copy only]; Map of Prospect colliery, explosion site, Red Ash vein (p. 18 – online copy only]; Causes and location of fatal accidents, by districts, 1915; Causes and location of fatal accidents, 1910-1915; Comparative table of accidents, Pennsylvania-United States, 1899-1915; Table showing total production, employees, fatalities, ratio killed per 1,000 employees and the production per life lost in the coal mines of each state in the Union, 1914; Table showing companies that had fatal accidents inside or outside their mines, causes of accidents, fatalities per 1,000 employees and per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1915; Table showing number of employees inside between 16 and 21 years and number of employees outside between 14 and 21 years, 1915; Nationality of inside employees, by districts, 1915; Nationality of outside employees, by districts, 1915; Accident table: Number of minor children killed inside and outside the mines, 1915; Fatal accidents inside the mines, fatalities per 1,000 employees, fatalities per 1,000,000 tons produced by counties, 1915; Nationality by birth of employees killed by falls, 1915; Fatal accidents, production, employees, fatalities per 1,000 employees, fatalities per 1,000,000 tons produced, by years, 1899-1915; Number of mines in operation, production per fatality inside, fatalities per 1,000,000 tons produced in each district, 1915; Fatal accidents inside the mines and production per accident, by counties, 1899-1915; Miners and miners’ laborers employed in the mines, number of fatal accidents per 1,000 employees, average number of days worked by breakers, average production per day worked by breakers, 1882-1915; Employees inside and outside the mines, number of fatal accidents per 1,000 employees, production per fatal accident, 1881-1915; Comparison of production and fatal accidents of certain companies, 1911-1915; Companies that had no fatal accidents, 1910-1915; Average number of days worked by breakers, total production and average production per day, 1899-1915; Tons of coal mined, days worked, persons employed, killed and injured, quantity of explosives used, 1899-1915; Number of boilers and locomotives in use, 1915; Classification of employees by districts, 1915; Classification of fatal accidents by districts, number of wives made widows and number of children made orphans, 1915; Classification of non-fatal accidents by districts, 1915; Number of gaseous and non-gaseous mines in operation, number of foremen, assistants and fire bosses, production and percentage of production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines and washeries, by districts, 1915; Quantity of coal produced by each company that produced 300,000 or more tons and number of persons employed, 1915; Classification of employees killed or fatally injured, 1899-1915; Classification of fatal accidents by decades, 1870-1915; Nationality by birth of employees killed or fatally injured, 1892-1915; Production of coal in tons of 2,000 pounds, explosives used, etc., 1899-1915; Number of employees, by counties, 1899-1915; Production of coal, by counties, 1899-1915; Fatal accidents, 1870-1915; Fold-out: Map of Rahn colliery, Foster’s tunnel: Plan showing East Mammoth bottom split gangway where accident occurred on Sept. 27-15 (p. 474). Page numbers as noted in index. |
(1915) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] Map showing a portion of the Smokeless Coal Co. Mine No. 1 [explosion site] (p. 8); Map of Orenda Mine No. 2 [explosion site] (p. 14); Map of the bituminous region (p. 20); Number and names of safety lamps in use, 1915; Nationality of employees by districts, 1915; Table of accidents, 1900-1915; Causes of fatal accidents inside, 1900-1915; Causes and location of fatal accidents inside; Comparative table of accidents, United States, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Illinois and Ohio, 1907-1915; Comparative table of accidents, Pennsylvania-United States, 1899-1915; Total production, employees, fatalities, ratio killed per 1,000 employees, and the production in tons of 2,000 pounds per life lost in the coal mines of each state in the Union, 1914; Production and accidents, Tables of honor; Companies that produced 300,000 tons or over for each life lost inside, 1915; All companies having fatal accidents inside or outside, causes of accidents, fatalities per 1,000 employees and per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1915; Accident tables: Number of minor children killed inside and outside the mines, 1915; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines, production, lives lost per 1,000 employees, lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced, by counties, 1915; Nationality by birth of employees killed by falls, 1915; Number and causes of fatal accidents inside and outside the mines, 1915; Number and causes of fatal accidents inside and number of fatal accidents outside, 1899-1915; Number of mines in operation, production, employees, fatal accidents, fatalities inside per 1,000 employees, production per fatality, by districts, 1915; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines and production per accident, by counties, 1888-1915; Number of employees inside and outside the mines, number of fatal accidents per 1,000 employees, 1899-1915; Production and fatal accidents, 1909-1915, by companies; Number of employees inside between 16 and 21 years and number of employees outside between 14 and 21 years, 1915; Tons of coal mined, tons of coke produced, days worked, persons employed, killed and injured, quantity of explosives used, 1915; Number of boilers and locomotives in use, etc., 1915; Classification of employees in each district, 1915; Classification of fatal accidents in each district, number of wives made widows and number of children made orphans, 1915; Classification of non-fatal accidents in each district, 1915; Number of gaseous and non-gaseous mines in operation in each district, number of mine foremen, assistants and fire bosses, production and percentage of production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines, 1915; Companies that produced 300,000 or more tons of coal and the number of persons employed inside and outside, 1915; Classification of employees killed or fatally injured, 1899-1915; Classification of fatal accidents, 1877-1915; Nationality by birth of employees killed or fatally injured, 1899-1915; Production of coal in tons of 2,000 pounds, explosives used, etc., 1899-1915; Number of employees by counties, 1881-1915; Production of coal, by counties, 1881-1915; Production of coke, by counties, 1880-1915; Fatal accidents, 1877-1915; Production of coal by pick mining, compressed air and electric power, 1899-1915; Mines using mining machines, and production by machines in each district, 1915. Page numbers as noted in index. |
(1916) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] Plan showing location of accident at Lance No. 11 colliery Lehigh & Wilkes Barre Coal Co. (p. 22); Plan showing location of accident at Hollenback No 2 colliery (p. 30); Map of Hillman vein, Woodward colliery (p. 34); Causes and location of fatal accidents, 1910-1916; Comparative table of accidents, Pennsylvania-United State, 1899-1916, 1908-1916; Fatalities in and about the mines, fatalities by explosions of gas, number of employees and number of inspectors, 1884-1916; Companies that had fatal accidents inside the mines, 1909-1916; Table showing companies that had fatal accidents inside or outside their mines; causes of accidents, fatalities per 1,000 employees, 1916; Table showing number of employees inside between 16 and 21 years and number of employees outside between 14 and 21 years, 1916; Nationality of inside employees, by districts, 1916; Nationality of outside employees, by districts, 1916; Accident tables: Number of minor children killed inside and outside the mines, 1916; Fatal accidents inside the mines, fatalities per 1,000 employees, fatalities per 1,000,000 tons produced, by counties, 1916; Nationality by birth of employees killed by falls, 1916; Fatal accidents, production, employees, fatalities inside per 1,000 employees, fatalities inside per 1,000,000 tons produced, by districts, 1916; Fatal accidents, production, employees, fatalities per 1,000 employees, fatalities per 1,000,000 tons produced, by years, 1899-1916; Number of mines in operation, production per fatality inside, fatalities per 1,000,000 tons produced in each district, 1916; Fatal accidents inside the mines, and production per accident, by counties, 1899-1916; Miners and miners’ laborers employed in the mines, number of fatal accidents per 1,000 employees, average number of days worked by breakers, average production per day, 1882-1916; Employees inside and outside the mines, number of fatal accidents per 1,000 employees, production per fatality, 1881-1916; Comparison of production and fatal accidents of certain companies, 1911-1916; Companies that had no fatal accidents, 1910-1916; Average number of days worked by breakers, total production and average production per day, 1899-1916; Tons of coal mined, days worked, persons employed, killed and injured, quantity of explosives used, 1916; Number of boilers, engines, pumps, locomotives and air compressors in use; Classification of employees, by districts, 1916; Classification of fatal accidents by districts, number of wives made widows and number of children made orphans, 1916; Classification of non-fatal accidents, by districts, 1916; Number of gaseous and non-gaseous mines in operation, number of foremen, assistants and fire bosses, production and percentage of production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines and washeries, by districts, 1916; Quantity of coal produced by each company that produced 300,000 or more tons and number of persons employed, 1916; Classification of employees killed or fatally injured, 1899-1916; Classification of fatal accidents by decades, 1870-1916; Nationality by birth of employees killed or fatally injured, 1892-1916; Production of coal in tons of 2,000 pounds, explosives used, etc. 1899-1916; Number of employees by counties, 1899-1916; Production of coal by counties, 1899-1916; Fatal accidents, 1870-1916; Drawing of sections: Prosp. Hole near Shoff, Diamond Drill #1 at Shoff, PA, Steel Drill Hole near Houtzdale shaft (inside back cover). Page numbers as noted in index. |
(1916) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] Proposed legislation: electricity as a power in coal mines; oil and gas wells near coal mines (p. 12-21); Map of Ernest No. 2 mine (p. 23); Map of Robindale Mine, Conemaugh Smokeless Coal Company (p. 24); Safety lamps in use, 1916; Nationality of employees by districts, 1916; Table of accidents, 1898-1916; Causes of fatal accidents inside, 1898-1916; Causes and location of fatal accidents inside; Fatalities by gas and dust explosions, number of employees and number of inspectors, 1884-1916; Comparative table of accidents, United State, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Illinois and Ohio, 1907-1916; Comparative table of accidents, Pennsylvania-United States, 1899-1916; Production and accidents-Tables of honor; Companies that produced 300,000 tons or over for each life lost inside, 1916; Companies having fatal accidents inside or outside, causes of accidents, fatalities per 1,000 employees and per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1916; Companies that had fatal accidents inside the mines, 1909-1916; Accident tables: Number of minor children killed inside and outside the mines, 1916; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines, production, lives lost per 1,000 employees, lives lost per 1,000,000 tons produced, by counties, 1916; Nationality by birth of employees killed by falls, 1916; Number and causes of fatal accidents inside and outside the mines, 1916; Number and causes of fatal accidents inside and number of fatal accidents outside, 1899-1916; Number of mines in operation, production, employees, fatal accidents, fatalities inside per 1,000 employees, production per fatality, by districts, 1916; Causes of fatal accidents inside the mines and production per accident, by counties, 1888-1916; Number of employees inside and outside the mines, number of fatal accidents per 1,000 employees, 1899-1916; Production and fatal accidents, 1908-1916, by companies; Number of employees inside between 16 and 21 years and number of employees outside between 14 and 21 years, 1916; Tons of coal mined, tons of coke produced, days worked, persons employed, killed and injured, quantity of explosives used, 1916; Number of boilers and locomotives in use, etc. 1916; Classification of employees in each district, 1916; Classification of fatal accidents in each district, number of wives made widows and number of children made orphans, 1916; Classification of non-fatal accidents in each district, 1916; Number of gaseous and non-gaseous mines in operation in each district, number of mine foremen, assistants and fire bosses, production and percentage of production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines, 1916; Companies that produced 300,000 or more tons of coal and number of persons employed inside and outside, 1916; Classification of employees killed or fatally injured, 1912-1916; Classification of fatal accidents, 1877-1916; Nationality by birth of employees killed or fatally injured, 1899-1916; Number of employees by counties, 1881-1916; Production of coal by counties, 1881-1916; Production of coke by counties, 1880-1916; Fatal accidents, 1877-1916; Production of coal by pick mining, compressed air and electric power, 1899-1916; Mines using mining machines, and production by machines, in each district, 1916. Page numbers - see index or noted above. |
(1917) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] Briquetting plants in the United States in 1916 (p. 12); Causes and location of fatal accidents, 1917; Causes and location of fatalities, by districts, 1917; Causes and location of fatalities, inside, 1910-1917; Comparative table of accidents, Pennsylvania-United States, 1899-1917; Explosions of gas in which five or more persons were killed, 1870-1917; Fatalities inside and outside, number of employees and number of inspectors, 1884-1917; Companies that had fatalities, causes, fatalities per 1,000 employees, 1917; Number of employees inside between 16 and 21 years and number of employees outside between 14 and 21 years, 1917; Nationality of inside employees, by districts, 1917; Nationality of outside employees, by districts, 1917; Number of fatalities among minor children by districts, 1917; Causes of fatalities inside, production, employees, fatalities per 1,000 employees, production per fatality, fatalities per 1,000,000 tons produced, by counties, 1917; Nationality of employees killed by falls, by districts, 1917; Classification of employees killed by falls, and location of fatalities, by districts, 1917; Number and causes of fatalities inside, and number of fatalities outside, by districts, 1917; Number and causes of fatalities inside, and number of fatalities outside, 1899-1917; Mines in operation, production, employees, fatalities inside per 1,000 employees, production per fatality, by districts, 1917; Fatalities inside and production per fatality, by counties, 1899-1917; Miners and laborers employed, fatalities per 1,000 employees, average number of days worked by breakers, average production per day, 1882-1917; Employees inside and outside, fatalities per 1,000 employees, production per fatality, 1881-1917; Average number of days worked by breakers, total production, and average production per day, 1899-1917; Tons of coal mined, days worked, persons employed, killed and injured, and quantity of explosives used, 1917; Number and kinds of boilers, engines, locomotives, pumps and air compressors in use, 1917; Classification of employees, by districts, 1917; Causes of fatalities inside and outside, and number of widows and orphans caused by fatalities, by districts, 1917; Causes of non-fatal accidents inside and outside, by districts, 1917; Companies that produced 300,000 or more tons of coal, and the number of persons employed inside and outside, 1917; Classification of employees killed or fatally injured, 1899-1917; Causes of fatalities, and the percentages inside and outside, by decades, 1870-1917; Nationality of employees killed or fatally injured, 1892-1917; Production of coal, production per employee inside, quantity of explosives used, and production per each pound of explosives used, 1899-1917; Number of employees, by counties, 1899-1917; Production, by counties, 1899-1917; Fatalities per 1,000 employees, and production per fatality, by years and by decades, 1870-1917. Page numbers – see index. |
(1917) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] Map of Henderson mine No. 1, site of accident (p. 8); Safety lamps in use, 1917; Nationality of inside employees, by districts, 1917; Nationality of outside employees, by districts, 1917; Accident tables, Fatalities inside and outside, 1898-1917; Accidents, 1898-1917; Causes of fatalities inside 1898-1917; Causes and location of fatalities inside the mines, Causes and location of fatalities, by districts, 1917; Explosions of gas and dust in which five or more persons were killed, 1884-1917; Fatalities inside and outside, number of employees and number of inspectors, 1884-1917; Comparative table of accidents-United State, Pennsylvania (Bituminous), West Virginia, Illinois, and Ohio, 1907-1916; Comparative table of accidents-United States, Pennsylvania (Bituminous), 1899-1917; Companies that produced 300,000 tons or over for each fatality inside, 1917; Companies that had fatalities, causes, fatalities per 1,000 employees and per 1,000,000 tons produced, 1917; Number of fatalities among minor children, by districts, 1917; Number and causes of fatalities inside, production, employees, fatalities per 1,000 employees, production per fatality, fatalities per 1,000,000 tons produced, by counties, 1917; Classification of employees killed by falls, and location of fatalities, by districts, 1917; Nationality of employees killed by falls, by districts, 1917; Number and causes of fatalities inside, and number of fatalities outside, by districts, 1917; Number and causes of fatalities inside, and number of fatalities outside, 1899-1917; Mines in operation, production, employees, fatalities, fatalities inside per 1,000 employees, production per fatality, by districts, 1917; Causes of fatalities inside, and production per fatality, by counties, 1888-1917; Number of employees inside and outside, number of fatalities per 1,000 employees, 1899-1917; Number of employees inside between 16 and 21 years and number of employees outside between 14 and 21 years, by districts, 1917; Number of tons of coal mined and tons of coke produced, number of days worked, number of persons employed, number killed and injured and quantity of explosives used, etc by districts, 1917; by years, 1899-1916; Number and types of boilers, engines, pumps, locomotives and air compressors in use, by districts, 1917; Number of each class of employees inside and outside, by districts, 1917; Causes of fatalities inside and outside, and number attributable to each cause; number of widows and orphans caused by fatalities, by districts, 1917; Causes of non-fatal accidents inside and outside, and number attributable to each cause, by districts, 1917; Gaseous and non-gaseous mines in operation, number of mine foremen, assistant mine foremen, and fire bosses in gaseous mines, and number of mine foremen and assistant mine foremen in non-gaseous mines, and the production an percentage of production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines, by districts, 1917; Companies that produced 300,000 or more tons of coal and number of persons employed inside and outside, 1917; Classification of employees killed inside and outside, 1912-1917; Causes of fatalities and percentages, inside and outside, by decades, 1877-1917; Nationality of employees killed inside and outside, 1899-1917; Production of coal, production per employee inside, quantity of explosives used, production for each pound of explosives used, 1899-1917; Number of employees inside and outside by counties, 1881-1917; Production of coal by counties, by decades, 1881-1917; Production of coke by counties, by decades, 1880-1917; Fatalities per 1,000 employees inside and outside, and production per fatality, by decades, 1877-1917; Production of coal by pick mining, compressed air and electric power, 1899-1917; Mines using mining machines, number of machines and motive power used to operate them, production by machines and pick mining, by districts, 1917. |
(1918) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] Causes and location of fatalities, 1918; Causes and location of fatalities, by districts, 1918; Causes and location of fatalities inside, 1910-1918; Comparative table of accidents, Pennsylvania-United States, 1899-1918; Accidents in which five or more persons were killed, 1847-1918; Fatalities inside and outside, number of employees and number of inspectors, 1884-1918; Operators that had fatalities, causes; fatalities per 1,000 employees and per 1,000,000 tons produced; production per fatality, 1918; Number of employees inside between 16 and 21 years, and number of employees outside between 14 and 21 years, 1918; Nationality of employees, by districts, 1918; fatalities among minor employees, by districts, 1918; Causes of fatalities inside, production, employees, fatalities per 1,000 employees, production per fatality, fatalities per 1,000,000 tons produced, by counties, 1918; Nationality of employees killed by falls, by districts, 1918; Classification of employees killed by falls, and location of fatalities, by districts, 1918; Causes of fatalities inside, fatalities outside, fatalities per 1,000,000 tons produced and per 1,000 employees, by districts, 1918; Causes of fatalities inside, fatalities outside, fatalities per 1,000,000 tons produced and per 1,000 employees, 1899-1918; Mines in operation, production, employees, fatalities inside per 1,000 employees, production per fatality, by districts, 1918; Mines in operation, employees inside, fatalities inside and production per fatality, by counties, 1899-1918; Miners and miners’ laborers employed, fatalities per 1,000 employees, average number of days worked by breakers, average production per day, 1882-1918; employees inside and outside, fatalities per 1,000 employees, production per fatality inside, 1881-1918; Average number of days worked by breakers, total production, and average production per day, 1899-1918; Operators that produce in more than one county; production and employees, 1918; Tons of coal mined; days worked; persons employed, killed and injured; and quantity of explosives used, 1918; Number and kinds of boilers, engines, locomotives, pumps and air compressors in use, 1918; Classification of employees, by districts, 1918; Causes of fatalities inside and outside, and number of widows and orphans caused by fatalities, by districts, 1918; Causes of non-fatal accidents inside and outside, by districts, 1918; Gaseous and non-gaseous mines in operation, number of mine foremen, assistants and fire bosses; production and percentage of production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines and washeries, by districts, 1918; Operators that produced 300,000 or more tons of coal, and number of persons employed inside and outside, 1918; Classification of employees killed, 1899-1918; Causes of fatalities and percentages inside and outside, by decades, 1870-1918; Nationality of employees killed, 1892-1918; production of coal, production per employee inside, quantity of explosives used, and production per pound of explosives used, 1899-1918; Number of employees, by counties, 1899-1918; production, by counties, 1899-1918; Fatalities per 1,000 employees, and production per fatality, by years and by decades, 1870-1918. |
(1918) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] Safety lamps in use, 1918 (p. 9); Nationality of inside employees by districts, 1918 (p. 10-11); Nationality of outside employees, by districts (p. 12-13); Accident tables (p. 14-34): Accidents in which five or more persons were killed, 1884-1918; Causes of fatalities inside, 1898-1918; Causes and location of fatalities, by districts, 1918; Fatalities inside and outside, number of employees and number of inspectors, 1884-1918; Comparative table of accidents-United States, Pennsylvania (Bituminous), West Virginia, Illinois and Ohio, 1907-1918; Operators that had fatalities, causes, fatalities per 1,000 employees, fatalities per 1,000,000 tons produced, production per fatality inside, 1918; Operators that produced coal in more than one county, 1918 (p. 35); Number of fatalities among minors, by districts, 1918 (p. 48); Causes of fatalities inside, production, employees, fatalities inside per 1,000 employees, production per fatality inside, fatalities inside per 1,000,000 tons produced, by counties, 1918 (p. 49); Classification of employees killed by falls, and location of fatalities by districts, 1918 (p. 50); Nationality of employees killed by falls, by districts, 1918 (p. 51); Number and causes of fatalities inside, and number of fatalities outside, by districts, 1918 (p. 52); Number and causes of fatalities inside, and number of fatalities outside, 1899-1918 (p. 53); Mines in operation, production, employees, fatalities, fatalities inside per 1,000 employees, production per fatality inside, by districts, 1918 (p. 54); Causes of fatalities inside and production per fatality, by counties, 1888-1918 (p. 55); Number of employees inside and outside, number of fatalities per 1,000 employees, 1899-1918 (p. 56); Number of employees inside between 16 and 21 years and number of employees outside between 14 and 21 years, by districts, 1918 (p. 56); Coal mined, coke production, fatalities, explosives used, 1918 (p. 57); Number and kind of boilers, engines, locomotives, pumps and air compressors in use, by district (p. 59); Classification of employees (p. 62); Causes of fatalities (p. 63); Causes of non-fatal accidents (p. 65); Gaseous and non-gaseous mines (p. 67); Companies that produced 300,000 or more tons of coal & number employed (p. 68); Classification of employees killed, 1912-1918 (p. 71); Causes of fatalities and percentages, 1877-1918 (p. 72); Nationality of employees killed, 1899-1918 (p. 73); Production of coal by counties, by decades, 1881-1918 & Production of coke, by counties, by decades 1880-1918 (p. 75); Fatalities and production per fatality, 1877-1918 (p. 76); Production of coal by pick mining, compressed air, and electric power, 1899-1918 (p. 77); Mines using mining machines and production by machines and pick mining (p. 78). |
(1919-1920) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] Fatal accidents, 1919; Fatal accidents, 1920; Tons of coal mined, days worked, persons employed, killed and injured, and quantity of explosives used, 1919, 1920; Number and kinds of boilers, engines, locomotives, pumps and air compressors in use, 1919, 1920; Production, employees, days worked, by operators, 1919, 1920; Operators that produced in more than one county; production and employees, 1919; 1920; Gaseous and non-gaseous mines in operation, number of mine foremen, assistants and fire bosses; production and percentage of production from gaseous and non-gaseous mines and washeries, by districts, 1919, 1920; Total production, production from washeries, average production per day excluding washery production, production per employee, quantity of explosives used, production per pound of explosives used, 1899-1920; Classification of employees, by district, 1919, 1920; Causes and location of fatalities, by districts, 1919-1920; Operators that had fatalities, fatalities per 1,000 employees and per 1,000,000 tons produced, production per fatality inside, 1919, 1920; Causes of fatalities inside, fatalities inside per 1,000 employees and per 1,000,000 tons produced, production per fatality inside, fatalities outside, fatalities outside per 1,000 employees, by districts, 1919, 1920; Causes of fatalities inside, fatalities inside per 1,000 employees and per 1,000,000 tons produced, production per fatality inside, fatalities outside, fatalities outside per 1,000 employees, by counties, 1919, 1920; Causes of non-fatal accidents inside and outside, by districts, 1919, 1920; Number of minors employed, number killed, by districts, 1919, 1920; Nationality of employees, number killed, 1919-1920; Nationality of employees killed, 1900-1920; Classification of employees killed, 1899-1920; Miners and miners’ laborers employed, fatalities per 1,000 employed, average number of days worked by breakers, average production per day, 1882-1920; Production, employees inside and outside, fatalities inside, fatalities inside per 1,000 employees, production per fatality inside, by counties, 1899-1920; Employees inside and outside, fatalities inside and outside, fatalities per 1,000 employees, production per fatality inside, number of inspectors, 1881-1920; Employees, fatalities, fatalities per 1,000 employees and per 1,000,000 tons produced, production per fatality, 1870-1920; Accidents in which five or more persons were killed, 1847-1920. |
(1919-1920) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] Accidents: Causes of fatal accidents, 1919 (p. 4); Causes of fatal accidents, 1920 (p. 8); Fatalities per 1,000,000 tons produced, per 1,000 employees, per 1,000,000 man days, 1919-1920 (p. 12); Occupations of persons fatally injured, 1919 (p. 13); Occupations of persons fatally injured, 1920 (p. 19); Nationality of person fatally injured, 1919 (p. 21); Nationality of persons fatally injured, 1920 (p. 25); Nationality of employees and number killed, 1919-1920 (p. 29); Operators having fatalities, 1919 (p. 30); Operators having fatalities, 1920 (p. 35); Production – tonnage (net) 1919 & 1920 (p. 40-43); Employees classified by occupations, 1919 & 1920 (p. 44-47); Power and haulage equipment, 1919 & 1920 (p. 48-49); District statistics: Coal-shipments, usage, production; Coke production; Employees; Accidents; Explosives used (p. 50-363). |
(1921-1922) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] Causes of fatal accidents by counties, 1921 & 1922 (p. 4-5); Accidents in which five or more persons were killed, 1847-1922 (p. 6-7); Occupations of persons fatally injured, by counties, 1921 & 1922 (p.8-9); Nationality of persons fatally injured by counties, 1921 & 1922 (p. 10-11); Nationality of employees and number killed, 1921-1922 (p. 12-13); Operators having fatalities, 1921 & 1922 (p. 14-17); Total production, production from washeries, employees, fatalities, 1870-1922 (p. 18); Production-tonnage (net) 1921-1922 (p. 19); Employees classified by occupation, 1921 & 1922 (p. 20-23); Power and haulage equipment, 1921 & 1922 (p. 24-25); District statistics: Coal-shipments, usage, production; Days worked; Employees; Accidents; Explosives used (p. 26-99). |
(1921-1922) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] Causes of fatal accidents by counties, 1921 & 1922 (p. 4-7); Accidents in which five or more persons were killed, 1884-1922 (p.8); Occupations of persons fatally injured (p. 10-13); Nationality of persons fatally injured by counties, 1921 & 1922 (p. 14-21); Nationality of employees and number killed, 1921-1922 (p. 22-23); Operators having fatalities, 1921 & 1922 (p. 24-31); Production-tonnage (net) 1921-1922 (p. 32-35); Employees classified by occupations, 1921 & 1922 (p. 36-39); Power and haulage equipment, 1921 & 1922 (p. 40-41); District statistics: Coal-shipments, usage, production; Days worked; Employees; Accidents; Explosives used (p. 42-374). |
(1923-1924) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] Causes of fatal accidents, by counties, 1923-1924 (p. 4-5); Accidents in which five or more persons were killed, 1847-1924 (p. 6-9); Occupations of persons fatally injured, by counties, 1923-1924 (p. 8-9); Nationality of persons fatally injured, by counties, 1923-1924 (p. 10-11); Nationality of employees and number killed, 1923-1924 (p. 12-13); Operators having fatalities, 1923-1924 (p. 14-17); Total production from washeries, employees, fatalities, 1870-1924 (p. 18); Tonnage (Net tons) by counties 1923-1924 (p. 19-21); Employees classified by occupation, 1923 & 1924 (p. 20-23); Operators, production, employees, days worked, 1923 & 1924 (p. 24-27); Power and haulage equipment, 1923 & 1924 (p. 28-29); District statistics (p. 30-104). |
(1923-1924) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] Causes of fatal accidents, by counties, 1923-1924 (p. 4-7); Accidents in which five or more persons were killed, 1847-1924 (p. 8-9); Occupations of persons fatally injured, by counties, 1923-1924 (p. 10-13); Nationality of persons fatally injured, by counties, 1923-1924 (p. 14-17); Nationality of employees and number killed, 1923-1924 (p. 18); Operators having fatalities, 1923 & 1924 (p. 19-27); Production, employees, fatalities, 1877-1924 (p. 28); Production: Tonnage (Net tons) by counties 1923 & 1924 (p. 29-32); Employees classified by occupation, 1923 & 1924 (p.33-36); Power and haulage equipment, 1923 & 1924 (p. 37-38); Operators that produced 200,000 or more tons, 1923 & 1924 (p. 39-42); Production of coal and coke, days worked, amount of explosives used, 1899-1924 (p. 43); District statistics, 1923 (p. 44-207) & 1924 (p. 208-343). |
(1925-1926) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] Causes of fatal accidents, by counties, 1925-1926 (p. 4-5); Accidents in which five or more persons were killed, 1847-1926 (p. 6-9); Occupations of persons fatally injured, by counties, 1925-1926 (p. 10-11); Nationality of persons fatally injured, by counties, 1925-1926 (p. 12-13); Nationality of employees and number killed, 1925-1926 (p. 14-15); Operators having fatalities, 1925-1926 (p. 16-19); Total production from washeries, employees, fatalities, 1870-1926 (p. 20); Tonnage (Net tons) by counties 1925-1926 (p. 21); Employees classified by occupation, 1925 & 1926 (p. 22-25); Operators, production, employees, days worked, 1925 & 1926 (p. 26-29); Power and haulage equipment, 1925 & 1926 (p. 30-31); Operators, location of collieries, railroads, December 31, 1926 (p. 32-41); District statistics, 1925 (p. 42-72) & 1926 (p. 73-103). |
(1925-1926) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] Causes of fatal accidents, by counties, 1925-1926 (p. 350-353); Accidents in which five or more persons were killed, 1884-1926 (p. 354-355); Occupations of persons fatally injured, by counties, 1925-1926 (p. 356-357); Nationality of persons fatally injured, by counties, 1925-1926 (p. 358-359); Nationality of employees and number killed, 1925-1926 (p. 360-361); Operators having fatalities, 1925-1926 (p. 362-369); Production: Tonnage (Net tons) by counties 1925 & 1926 (p. 370-373); Employees classified by occupation, 1925 & 1926 (p. 374-377); Operators that produced 200,000 or more tons, 1925 & 1926 (p. 378-381); Power and haulage equipment, 1925 & 1926 (p. 382-383); Operators, location of collieries, railroads, December 31, 1926 (p. 384-463); District statistics, 1925 (p. 464-603) & 1926 (p. 604-741). |
(1927-1928) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] Causes of fatal accidents, by counties, 1927 & 1928 (p. 18-21); Accidents in which five or more persons were killed, 1847-1928 (p. 22-23); Occupations of persons fatally injured, by counties, 1927 & 1928 (p. 24-27); Nationality of persons fatally injured, by counties, 1927 & 1928 (p. 28-31); Nationality of employees and number killed, 1927-1928 (p. 32-33); Operators having fatalities, 1927 & 1928 (p. 34-37); Non-fatal accidents, classified by cause, by counties, 1927 & 1928 (p. 38-39); Fatal accidents, classified by cause, 1919-1928 (p. 40-41); Total production, production from washeries, employees, fatalities, 1870-1928 (p. 42); Production – tonnage (net) by counties, 1927-1928 (p. 43); Tonnage (net) by inspection districts, 1927 & 1928 (p. 44-45); Operators, production, employees, days worked, 1927 & 1928 (p. 46-49); Production of coal by operators and counties, 1927 & 1928 (p. 50-52); Summary of statistics (mines, production, employment, accidents, etc.), by counties, 1927 & 1928 (p. 53-59); Operators, location of collieries, railroads, by counties, 1928 (p. 60-70); Production of coal, days worked, persons employed, killed and injured, explosives used, by operators and collieries, 1927 & 1928 (p. 71 / p. 88); Source of power, number and kinds of boilers, engines, locomotives and electrical equipment in use, by counties, 1927 & 1928 (p. 104 / p. 105); Type and size of fans, volume of air produced by fan, number and capacity of pumps, by operators and collieries, 1928 (p. 120); Seam worked, machinery used, employees engaged and tons produced by mechanical mining, by operators and collieries, 1927 & 1928 (p. 146-147); Number of each class of employees inside, by counties, 1927 & 1928 (p. 154 / 155); Number of each class of employees, outside, by counties (p. 169 / 170). |
(1927-1928) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] Coke (p. 4); Reorganization of the department of mines (p.4); Maine catastrophes (p. 4-26); Ellsworth no. 53 mine explosion (p. 6-8); Ehrenfeld no. 3 mine explosion (p. 8-11); Kinlock mine explosion (p. 11-15); Mather mine explosion (p. 15-21); Hillside mine explosion (p. 21-23); Irvona no. 3 mine explosion (p. 23-26); Mining legislation (p. 27-34); Mine foremen’s, assistant fine foremen’s and fire bosses’ examinations (p. 34-43). |
(1929-1930) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] Production, 1924-1930 (p. 4); Anthracite imported / exported, fuel briquettes imported, coke sales, production, oil use, 1924-1930 (p. 5); Causes of fatal accidents, by counties, 1929 (p. 16); Causes of fatal accidents, by counties, 1930 (p. 18); Accidents in which five or more persons were killed, 1847-1930 (p. 20); Occupations of persons fatally injured, by counties, 1929 (p. 22), 1930 (p. 24); Nationality of persons fatally injured, by counties, 1929 (p. 26), 1930 (p. 28); Nationality of employees and number killed, 1929-1930 (p. 30); Operators having fatalities, 1929 (p. 32), 1930 (p. 34); Non-fatal accidents, classified by cause, by counties, 1930 (p. 36); Fatal accidents, classified by cause, 1921-1930 (p. 37); Total production, production from washeries, employees, fatalities, 1870-1930 (p. 39); Production: Tonnage (net) by counties, 1929-1930 (p. 40); Production: Tonnage (net) by inspection districts, 1929 (p. 41), 1930 (p. 42); Tonnage (net) for the years 1900-1930 (p. 43); Tonnage (net) by counties, 1900-1930 (p. 44); Operators, employees, days worked, 1929 (p. 45), 1930 (p. 47); Employees, classified by occupation, 1929 (p. 49), 1930 (p. 51); Production of coal, 1929 & 1930, operators by county (p. 53); Summary of statistics, by district, 1929 & 1930 [various data, incl. production, employment, accidents, locomotives, machinery, pumps, fans] (p. 56); Operators, location of collieries, railroads, 1930 (p. 72); Number of tons of coal mined, number of days worked, number of persons employed, number killed and injured, quantity of powder, dynamite, and permissible explosives used, 1929 (p. 83), 1930 (p. 99); Showing source of power, number and kinds or boilers, engines, locomotives, and electrical equipment in use, 1929 (p. 115); Operators and mines, type and size of fans, volume of air produced by fan per minute, number and capacity of pumps, 1930 (p. 130); Showing coal seam worked, machinery used, number of employees and number of tons produced by mechanical mining, 1929 (p. 155), 1930 (p. 156); Number of each class of employees inside, 1929 (p. 163), 1930 (p. 164); Number of each class of employees outside, 1930 (p. 178). |
(1929-1930) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] Accidents: Causes of fatal accidents, by counties, 1929 (p. 29), 1930 (p. 31); Accidents in which five or more persons were killed, 1884-1930 (p. 32); Occupations of persons fatally injured, by counties, 1929 (p. 34), 1930 (p. 35); Nationalities of persons fatally injured, by counties, 1929 (p. 36), 1930 (p. 38); Nationalities of employees and number killed, 1929-1930 (p. 39); Operators having fatalities, 1929 (p. 41), 1930 (p. 45); Cause of non-fatal accidents, by counties, 1929 (p. 49), 1930 (p. 50); Fatal accidents, classified by cause, 1921-1930 (p. 51); Production, employees, fatalities, 1878-1930 (p. 53); Production: Tonnage (net) by counties, 1929 (p. 54), 1930 (p. 56), 1890-1930 (p. 58); Tonnage (net) by districts, 1929 (p. 60), 1930 (p. 61); Employees, classified by occupations, 1929 (p. 62), 1930 (p. 64); Operators that produced 200,000 or more tons, 1929 (p. 66), 1930 (p. 68); Source of power, number and kinds of boilers, engines, locomotives, and electrical equipment in-use, 1929 (p. 70), 1930 (p. 71); Number and type of safety lamps and quantity of explosives used, number and capacity of pumps and air compressors, 1929 (p. 72), 1930 (p. 73); Production of coal and coke, days worked, amount of explosives used, 1899-1930 (p. 74); Production of coal by pick mining, compressed air and electric machines, 1899-1930 (p. 75); Mines in operation 1929 and 1930 (p. 76). |
1929-1930 Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania pt. 2 | Bituminous |
(1931-1945) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] |
(1931-1944) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Bituminous] Summaries by district, 1931-1944: Coal, coke production, shipped to market (by rail, water, truck), used locally, used at mine, employees, days worked, fatal accidents, non-fatal accidents, operators and mines. |
(1945) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Bituminous] |
(1946) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] |
(1946) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Bituminous] |
(1947) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] |
(1947) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Bituminous] |
(1948) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] |
(1948) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Bituminous] |
(1949) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] |
(1949) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Bituminous] Photo of Governor James H. Duff. Photo of Secretary of Mines Richard Maize. Report on dust control. Sample danger sign. Illustration of percentage of gas testing flame. Drawing no.3-A showing approximate backfill and grading where strip pit has cut into an abandoned mine. Drawing no.7 - Showing idealistic plan for backfilling covering pyritic shale and reject coal. |
(1950) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] |
(1950) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Bituminous] Photos of Governor John Fine and Secretary of Mines, Richard Maize. Aerial photo of the Portal Tunnel Mine. Photos of Lancashire #15 mine. Photo of Permi-seal tamping plug. Photo of a coal cleaning plant. Report on dust control. Report on roof bolting. Report of explosion, Carpentertown #2 mine, Feb. 2, 1952. Drawing no.7 - Showing idealistic plan for backfilling covering pyritic shale and reject coal. |
(1951) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] |
(1951) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Bituminous] |
(1952) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] |
(1952) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Bituminous] Photos of Governor John Fine and Secretary of Mines, Richard Maize plus Deputies of Mines Gordon E. Smith, J.V. McKenna and W. Garfield Thomas |
(1953) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] |
(1953) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Bituminous] Photos of Governor John Fine and Secretary of Mines, William Clements +Deputies of Mines Gordon E. Smith, J.V. McKenna and W. Garfield Thomas. Includes descriptions of duties of deputies with their photos. Description of activities related to Donora Mine fire; fire at Sagamore. Statistics on roof bolting. |
(1954) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] |
(1954) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] |
(1955) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] |
(1955) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Bituminous] Biography of Governor George Leader. Historical production, employees, fatalities, 1877-1955. 26-year study of bituminous coal regions by county. |
(1956) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] |
(1956) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] |
(1957) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] |
(1957) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] |
(1958) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] |
(1958) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Bituminous] |
(1959) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] |
(1959) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Bituminous] |
(1960) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] |
(1960) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] |
(1961) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] |
(1961) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Bituminous] |
(1962) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] |
(1962) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] |
(1963) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] |
(1963) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Bituminous] |
(1964) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] |
(1964) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] |
(1965) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] |
(1965) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Bituminous] |
(1966) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] |
(1966) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Bituminous] |
(1967) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Anthracite] |
(1967) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania | [Bituminous] |
(1968) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Anthracite) | [Anthracite] |
(1968) Report of the Department of Mines of Pennsylvania (Bituminous) | [Bituminous] |
(1969) Report of the Department of Mines and Mineral Industries | [Anthracite/Bituminous] |
(1970) Report of the Department of Environmental Resources | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Includes Coal, Oil, and Gas Divisions |
(1971-1972) Report of the Department of Environmental Resources | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Includes Coal, Oil, and Gas Divisions |
(1973) Annual Report of the Office of Mines and Land Protection | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Includes industrial minerals |
(1974) Annual Report on Mining, Oil, and Gas, and Land Reclamation and Conservation Activities | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Includes Coal, Oil, and Gas Divisions |
(1975) Annual Report on Mining, Oil, and Gas, and Land Reclamation and Conservation Activities | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Includes Coal, Oil, and Gas Divisions |
(1976) Annual Report on Mining, Oil, and Gas, and Land Reclamation and Conservation Activities | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Includes Coal, Oil, and Gas Divisions |
(1977) Annual Report on Mining, Oil, and Gas, and Land Reclamation and Conservation Activities | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Includes Coal, Oil, and Gas Divisions |
(1978) Annual Report on Mining, Oil, and Gas, and Land Reclamation and Conservation Activities | [Anthracite/Bituminous] Includes Coal, Oil, and Gas Divisions |
(1979) Report of the Department of Environmental Resources | [Anthracite/Bituminous] |