This collection represents a growing and evolving priority to collect materials that reflect the histories and experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, and asexual individuals, as well as sexual and gender identities not reflected by those terms. We acknowledge that gender and sexual identity and expression evolve, as do the words utilized by individuals and communities to describe themselves. We strive to use the most inclusive descriptors available, even as we recognized the elasticity and evolution of language used to describe identity and sexuality. Photographs, newsletters newspapers, flyers, typescripts, postcards, and scrapbooks are among the formats included in the Gender and Sexual Identity and Expression digital collection. Materials in the collection were curated from disparate sources, from Penn State University Archives to items acquired by the Eberly Family Special Collections Library. All materials, and others on the topics of gender and sexuality, are available for use in the Eberly Family Special Collections Library.