The Eighth Air Force Archive is the result of the efforts of James Hill, the editor of the 8th AF News. In 1990, Mr. Hill began collecting papers, audiovisual materials, and memorabilia from members of the 8th Air Force. Mr. Hill passed away in 1998, and the 8th Air Force Memorial Museum Foundation (8AFMMF) currently coordinates the acquisition and transfer of historical materials from veterans of the 8th Air Force to the Archive at Penn State.
In 1998, donors Sherry Petska Middlemas and George Middlemas Jr. established the Albert M. Petska Libraries Endowment to honor the memory of their fathers, both Air Force veterans. Albert M. Petska served in the 8th Air Force, and George M. Middlemas Sr. served in the 15th Air Force. This endowment provides for acquisitions and preservation.
Access: The Eighth Air Force Archive is open to all members of the 8th Air Force Veterans Association and to researchers, scholars, students, and the public without restrictions. Materials contained within the Eighth Air Force Archive can be photoduplicated, with the exception of fragile items (identified by the Special Collections Staff), and those materials subject to copyright protection.
Use the navigation tools at left to see some highlights from the collection.